Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone and may I wish all associated with our school community a very, happy, healthy and successful new year.


We have had a very positive first week of term with 2 new pupils joining our school and 4 new recruits in our nursery. All have settled extremely well. We finished our week with our second COGS meeting. Pupils gathered in their house groups to discuss listening and talking, school lunches, certificates at assembly and extra curricular opportunities. Miss McKendry will provide feedback on the groups very soon.  Our Homework clubs will begin next week with P1-3 on Tuesdays and P4-7 on Thursdays in the school library. To encourage attendance at the clubs pupils will receive a free raffle ticket for the chance to win a Vue cinema voucher and some goodies to eat just in time for the February break. Please come along and spend some time enhancing your learning during this time.


In the classes ….

Primary 1 have been busy settling back into routine. They have continued with their learning about addition number stories. They have also started their new writing project and are excited to write their first independent stories.

P1/2 have also settled back into routine well. P1 continue with their addition learning producing some super work! Primary 2 have been working on missing number facts – this is always tricky! They started to learn about the supermarket this week sorting foods into different groups.

P2/3 have had a focus on recount writing this week and the structure of this type of work. P2 have been working on missing numbers in subtraction stories and P3 have been learning about the written method of subtraction for two digit numbers. They have also been learning about direction to complete mapping activities.

Primary 3 have been learning about descriptive writing and wrote about their favourite present. They started their new focus Adventure Ted and are excited to be developing their knowledge of the local area while developing their mapping skills.

Primary 4 have been writing a recount of their Christmas holiday. In Science they have been learning about the properties of materials. The focus in maths has been telling the time and calculating durations.

Primary 5 have began their focus on multiplication and also tessalation. They have been learning about the life of Thomas Telford and have discovered some of the amazing things he built in Scotland and England. They have also been learning about the compass rose and using atlases to find out more about Scotland’s geography.

Primary 6 began their Willow Plate story in Drama. Miss Chen shared all about the Spring Festival during Mandarin and also the names of our extended family members. In maths the focus has been nets of 3D objects. In RE the focus has been learning about Christian unity and they have been studying the Acts of the Apostles.

Primary 7 have been developing their information report writing skills – ensuring they use appropriate language. In numeracy they too have been multiplying, with 4 digit numbers. In Science they have been learning about a physical change of state and a chemical reaction.


In the nursery our second intake of pupils made a successful start to their nursery career. Our returning boys and girls were sharing their experiences at Christmas and retelling the Christmas festivities in nursery as they all completed their big books. The boys and girls used this week to explore the Winter weather and made patterns by printing and using glitter. They made sparkly playdough too! Everyone visited the library this week to select a new book and they also went to the gym hall. In the hall children were developing their understanding of over and under in various ways. We have started our new topic – Recycling! Children are excited to recycle in various ways. Mrs Egan shared her dream of creating an igloo for milk cartons. The boys and girls were all very excited to take this forward. So please remember to donate any empty and CLEAN 4 pint plastic cartons to the nursery.

We are ready to now share our online Learning Journals with all parents and carers. The staff have been developing these journals since September. Mrs Egan will be available at the start and end of sessions on Tuesday to register parents on the system. All you need is your email address. Please see Mrs Egan this week so we can move forward with our target setting using the Learning Journals online.


This week coming is our annual enrolment week for P1 starting in august 2018. We have many appointments already made. Enrolments will take place each afternoon in our school.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher


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