What a performance!

I was immensely proud this week of each and every child from nursery to P7. Every child in the school participated in a superb performance telling the Christmas story through word, song and dance. We began the week with P1-3 spreading the news with Angel Express. It was then Strictly the Nativity when P4-7 performed Lights, Camel, Action and finally our youngest children performed A King is Born on Friday. The school hall was full to capacity for every performance. The sense of joy and pride was evident as people left with a smile on their face, congratulating the children and sharing that they now feel it is Christmas.


Enjoy the photographs – they tell the story!


The choir were also on top form spreading Christmas cheer on Thursday at Aberglen Care Home and Gilmour Church. Unfortunately, we were pipped at the post in The Regent Centre Choir Competition coming second. Congratulations to the winners Udston Primary and thank you for all your votes. There is always next year!


This coming week is party time. P1 and 2 children on Monday, P3-5 on Tuesday and P6-7 on Wednesday. Thursday morning is the nursery party for ALL children. No nursery on Thursday afternoon. At 1.30pm on Thursday afternoon we have our Advent Mass in the school hall. Everyone is welcome. School and nursery close on Friday at 2.30pm. May I wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas.


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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