Curriculum Afternoon

We had an excellent turnout to our annual curriculum afternoon. Classes were very busy and parents were most impressed by the ability of their children to confidently talk about their learning environment – especially our primary 1 pupils.

Parents were very impressed with our new area called The Nest – a place where pupils can engage in learning around health and wellbeing.


We were delighted to welcome back Miss Ferrie this week. Miss Ferrie will be working in our school over the next few weeks before she returns full time in 2018.


In the classes this week …

P1 sounded like angels on Friday as they continued to practise for their nativity. On Thursday they wrote their invitations for their Book Bag event this Thursday. They are very excited that Equis ice cream have sponsored this family event.

P1/2 have also been in fine voice. P1 have been learning about ordinal numbers and P2 have been working on subtraction. They are really improving their ability to complete missing number problems. In Spanish the whole class have grown in confidence when pronouncing Spanish colours.

P2/3 have been learning about money this week. They have been using coins to make collections to 20p, 50p and £1. In literacy they have been learning about procedural texts and how to write instructions. In RE they have read the parable, The Burning Bush, and discussed its meaning.

P3 are working hard on their many parts of The Nativity. They have also been creating their very own McCoos! In numeracy they have been adding 3 digit numbers and learning to tell the time in fifteen minute intervals.

P4 have been learning to tell the time in 5 minute intervals! They have been learning their Christmas songs and also been taking notes in literacy. This is tricky! Primary 4 were sad to say goodbye to Miss Thompson, our student on Friday. We thank her for all her hard work and wish her well for her future career.

Primary 5 have spent time looking at biographies of passengers on The Titanic. They have been learning to say the date and time in Mandarin. In Science, they have built boats and tested their ability to float.

Primary 6 have been learning how to use protractors to measure angles. They have been writing reports using ‘Venomous snakes’ as their stimulus. In Art, they have been using brushstrokes and watercolours to create blossom trees and in Mandarin they have extended their range of greetings.

P7 have continued their Journey to Ogilvie with Miss Byrne. They also had a visit from Ross, St Andrew’s Hospice Schools Liaison Officer, to discuss the primary ambassador programme. He shared the work on the hospice and also what it takes to become an ambassador. Many P7s are willing to apply for this role.


In the nursery we are continuing with our Scotland theme. The castle now has a banqueting table to promote positive interactions during role play. Children have enjoyed learning Scottish words and phrases through the stories of the Glasgow Gruffalo, Katie Morag and Hairy McClary. They have made Scottish flags, both the saltire and St Andrew, and painted princes, princesses, kings and queens to decorate our castle. They have also been designing their own tartan. And the Christmas songs are well under way too!

We look forward to our Tartan Day on Thursday to celebrate St Andrew’s Day!


The whole school are planning to walk to church on Thursday morning for 10am mass – weather permitting! Please check the school app for updates but send your child to school adequately dressed for walking on Thursday morning.


This Monday evening at 6.30pm we have our AGM for our Parent Council. Please come along and support our school. The Parent Council are working extremely hard and are a great support to our school –  more members would be welcome! Information will also be shared about the Nurturing Schools Programme on the evening.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher



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