Christmas at St. Cuthbert’s!

I know it’s early but on Friday we had our first Christmas Fayre at St. Cuthbert’s for a very long time! However, I have to say I am sure it will not be the last. What a turnout we got! Fantastic! Many thanks to our Parent Council, staff, pupils and parents who worked so hard to make this a success. Santa arrived and took pride of place in a very special grotto with some magical elves! Thank you to our choir and Mrs Boyd for the entertainment. Thanks also to our St. Andrew’s hospice ambassadors, from St John Ogilvie, who came along and sold goods for the hospice. All funds raised will go towards helping our children in our school.


Primary 4 proudly handed over their completed backpacks to Mary’s Meals this week. They also announced their grand total of £440.54 raised through their afternoon tea. We are sure Mary’s Meals will be delighted with this sum of money. Well done primary 4!


The nursery children have been focussing on Scotland this week in nursery. They have enjoyed role play as knights and princesses and made their very own castle. They have also been enjoying some Scottish foods at the snack table with oatcakes and cheese being most popular.


A shorter blog this week as we were all so busy organising the Christmas Fayre on Friday.


Please remember that school and nursery are closed on Monday 20th November for Staff Development Day. We will reopen to pupils on Tuesday 21st November.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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