Welcome to November!

There was no doubt about the change of the month at the end of the week as the temperature dipped! Please make sure your child has suitable clothing, warm jackets, hats and scarves, for outdoors in the Winter. Primary 6 wrapped up on Thursday and had another glorious day filming their poetry readings in the woods as we make our bid to be an audience at Authors Live for a second year. Very best of luck Primary 6!


The rain was too heavy on Wednesday morning and unfortunately we could not make it to church. Many thanks to Father Joseph who took time to come and celebrate the feast of Al Saints mass in our school hall on Wednesday afternoon.


Our November newsletter was published on the app on Friday morning. Only three parents have opted for paper copies so far and they were distributed on Friday. If any other parent requires a paper copy please contact the school. Please ensure you read our newsletter for important events in our school.


In the classes ….


P1 had a fantastic, fun-filled week full of spooky Hallowe’en fun. They made mosaic pumpkins in Art and gave them spooky faces. They then designed spooky pumpkins and used these for writing on Friday as they brought them to life using the Quiver app. The spooky stories were called The Day our Pumpkins came to life!


P1/2 have enjoyed Hallowe’en and Bonfire Activities. P1 have been busy doing a Hallowe’en count while P2 made spiders with number stories to 20. Thye used a variety of paint and straws to create firework art.


P2/3 had Bonfire night activities also. They created firework art using straws. In reading they have been developing the use of expression when reading aloud to make their work more engaging. They are very excited to be learning their Christmas Concert songs!


P3 have been mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and used these for their firework pictures. In PE the focus has been gymnastics. They have been learning new rolls. To date they have worked on forward rolls, sausage rolls, teddy bear rolls and the most favourite James Bond rolls! Miss Mackle is very proud of the effort in P3 this week! Well done everyone!


P4 have been extremely busy getting ready for their Mary’s Meals Afternoon Tea showcase. They are very excited! They have also been learning to ask and answer questions in literacy. In art they created very impressive firework pictures thinking about their wellbeing indicator SAFE.


Mrs McGraw said that the P5 classroom is now sinking under the weight of the super Titanic models! The pupils have shared their experience of creating their own ships with the class. In writing they have been creating spooky stories focusing on the use of descriptive language.


P6 have been completing their topic assessments in subtraction. In RE they have been praying for the faithfully departed and discussing what heaven means to us. They have been learning about ‘El dia de los muertos ‘ and completed their masks as well as going to the woods and participating in the nursery buddy interviews! Phew P6 what a week!


P7 have been working hard working on their mental strategies for multiplying 3 digit numbers. This week in Mandarin they learned how to write dates and they all can say their birthday in Mandarin. The children are also reading Divided City as their literacy study and are very engaged with this text.


In the nursery …

A very spooky Hallowe’en party took place with some super costumes. The children enjoyed playing party games, had a spooky all together snack and enjoyed some spooky stories! At the end of the week they learned about firework safety. Our lending library started this week with the help fo our parents and all children enjoyed visiting the school library to borrow their own books!. I hope you enjoyed reading with your child. Please return all books on Monday so they are ready for another child on Wednesday. We also welcomed Tyler’s mum on Thursday to provide a fitness session for both am and pm children.


The nursery children look forward to welcoming their newly appointed buddies to the nursery very soon.


This week we have our first COGS session. This stands for Collecting Opinions to Grow our School. This will replace our Pupil Council and enables all children to have a say. Miss McKendry is leading this initiative and will work with staff, House and Vice House Captains to ensure the running of each session. We look forward to hearing pupils’ thoughts on Friday. In our first session we will discuss our school values and then be in a position to finalise our reviewed vision, values and aims for our school.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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