Election Fever, Poetry Writing in the Woods and a Car Wash!

What busy 4 day week we had! Well we cheated a little as yesterday was our first fundraising event for our Parent Council. A car wash in the school yard! Many thanks to our parents and carers and children who came along to support us. It was heartening to see past parents pop in for a car wash and also two past pupils returning to help!


Have a read about the learning in our classes.


Primary 1 have finished writing their class charter. They know they have 52 rights as children and chose the best ones for their charter. Their most important one is the right to have and share their feelings. In numeracy they have been learning about numbers before and after. All children have been developing their writing and some can now write their full name with no help!


Primary 1/2 have continued to learn about the senses in science. They enjoyed exploring their senses through a variety of activities including a feely bag and art where they used a variety of textiles to create a picture. Primary 1 have been working hard on number formation and also writing their name.


Primary 2/3 have been learning about Baptism, its meaning and how important our godparents are. The children have enjoyed bringing in photos and talking about their own Baptism. All children have focused on handwriting this week – Primary 3 have started to link letters and Primary 2 writing capital letters.


Primary 3 have been learning Spanish colours this week and in RE have read the Creation story. In numeracy the focus has been the 2,5 and 10 times tables. They have been talking about the strategies they can use to add.


Primary 4 have been working hard to sort all the donations for Mary’s Meals backpacks. They have a massive 32 bags donated. They still need towels, flip flops and balls to finish their bags. Please donate these items if you can. In literacy they have been learning about pronouns to improve their writing.


Primary 5 have been looking at a cross section of the Titanic and learning how to interpret a key. In Health and Wellbeing they have been using mime to explore their feelings and help them to express their emotions appropriately.


Primary 6 have had a fabulous week! On Thursday they had a very exciting second trip to Glenlee Woods for National Poetry Day. The quality of the poems they wrote there was excellent. Mrs Hall and I were very impressed! The calmness and beauty of the woods was clearly inspirational. In numeracy they are learning mental strategies for addition of 4 and 5 digit numbers.


A very exciting week also took place in Primary 7! First thing on Tuesday morning saw Primary 7 deliver excellent election speeches to the whole school in their bid to become House and Vice Captains. Congratulations to all candidates. Mrs Cran was very proud of all efforts. Elections then took place and the successful candidates were presented with their badges at assembly. We look forward to all elected pupils working to lead and support their house this year. They have also been learning more about the role of the Scottish Parliament in preparation for their visit there this week.


In the nursery the boys and girls continued to learn about themselves. They can now name parts of the skeleton and many important organs. They were very interested to learn how our bodies digest food. Our Science wall looks very impressive with models of our body and the important parts. Children also made chalk skeltons and used their fingers and toes to practise counting to ten. They really enjoyed making paint footprints and compared the size of each others feet! Outside this week our digging pit reopened! We look forward to the grand opening of our mud kitchen very soon! This week saw the return of our sensory area too. The children love to explore the variety of materials and objects in here and listen to the calming music. Children are learning to recognise different feelings they experience.



What a busy week!!!!

This week children will come home with Bags 2 School. This replaces our Science into Schools bag. Please look out for bags in your child’s school bag and maybe over October break they could be filled with some unwanted textiles that we can recycle for money for our school.

On Tuesday we welcome Suzanne McAnney our Early Years Support Worker. She will be available in the nursery for a cup of tea and a chat for all parents from 11.30am in the morning and 12.45pm in the afternoon. Please come along and meet Suzanne.

Mrs Macmillan is hosting the first ‘Brew and Blether’ in the school this Wednesday at 1.45pm. This is an opportunity for parents to come along, meet each other and discuss ways we can work together to improve the learning experience for our children. Please come along on Wednesday you will be made most welcome.

Thursday evening this week is our Sacrament Meetings in the church. 7pm for Primary 4 and 7.30pm for Primary 3.

Finally we will be going to church on Friday to celebrate mass for October. Any parents who can assist with walking should come to school for half past 9. Many thanks for your support and help.


A busy week past and an even busier week ahead! The above represents the community spirit evident within St. Cuthbert’s Primary. We are very proud of our welcoming, supportive ethos and are striving to further strengthen our links with all to improve outcomes for our children.


Many thanks for reading my blog!


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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