Summer has arrived ….

The calendar may say June however, the weather is certainly not convincing us that we are now in summer!

Despite the weather we did manage to successfully complete our sports on Friday. My thanks to Primary 7 and Miss McKendry for their wonderful organistion of this event. The children worked together in their houses supported by their House and Vice Captains. The results were being collated on Friday evening and the winning house will be the proud recipient of our Commonwealth Cup, part of the legacy of the Commonwealth Games 2014.

The second part of our Sports Day linked directly to our health and wellbeing curriculum. As a school we revisited our established vision, values and aims. I spoke to the children about my wish for the creation of a school motto. As a school we looked at some famous mottos and considered the use of another language. The children are now busy creating their entries for our school motto competition. The winning motto will be announced at our prizegiving ceremony after the end of session mass and the lucky winner will receive a Vue gift voucher. The children were very excited by this and the ideas were certainly flowing on Friday afternoon. I look forward to sharing our new school motto with you in the very near future.

Four of our senior pupils participated in a different type of sport on Friday morning. They represented the school at the swimming gala held to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Hamilton Water Palace. The pupils were Ethan Elliot, Claire Houston, Fraser Downie and Gillian Cassidy. I am delighted to say that the children achieved 2nd place for the team event and Ethan secured a 1st place for his 25m butterfly. Congratulations to all pupils and my thanks to Mrs Clark for accompanying them.


In the nursery summer has arrived! The children are busy preparing for their end of year concert. It promises to be something quite special! Despite the weather they have been working with staff to create their very own beach and busy making bags for passports for those travelling abroad.

We took delivery of the proofs from our photographer this week. I had a little peek and the pictures were beautiful. Please return orders by the 16th June.

This week children are proudly showing their Learning Books to parents and carers. Please make time when dropping off or collecting your child this week to look at their book and share their learning. Transition Documents for pre school children will be issued tomorrow, Monday 8th June.


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

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