Summer Fayre

Many thanks to all who attended and helped in any way to make our Summer Fayre another success on Friday evening. Despite the weather we had an excellent turnout and it was great to see so many people coming together to support our school community.

The atmosphere was fantastic. People enjoyed a wonderful display of dance from the Karen Borden School of Dance and some excellent moves from the McGowan Black Belt Academy. Almost all pupils taking part were pupils of St. Cuthbert’s.


I am extremely grateful to our parent helpers, in particular Mrs Mairi Claire Whitson, who enabled this all to take place. Total raised at last count was £650 and this will rise due to fund matching from employers of our parents. Fantastic result!


On Friday I was delighted to welcome representatives of our chosen charities to the school for our presentation of cheques. Miss Lucy Mitchell from St. Andrew’s Hospice received a cheque for £1306.30 and Mrs Kathlenn Gilgunn from SCIAF was delighted to receive £1000. This was the money raised during the Lenten Fundraising activities. In addition SCIAF received a cheque for £820. This was in response to the two earthquakes that hit Nepal. We held a one day event to raise money and the response of families and staff was fantastic. I am immensely proud of the actions of our school community in helping others.


On Thursday evening I was privileged to attend the St. John Ogilvie High School Junior Awards ceremony. It is wonderful to see former pupils excelling in so many areas. Well done!


It was a week of transition activity for our school. Primary 7 pupils spent two days at St. John Ogilvie and Hamilton Grammar becoming familiar with their new surroundings. All enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to the big move in August! Miss McLaughlin was out and about this week visiting our new pupils from other nurseries. It is very important for Miss McLaughlin to meet these pupils in their own environment as well as in our school building.


Last Wednesday we held our parents’ evening. We had a superb turnout, as always, and parents took full advantage of looking at the children’s hard work and speaking to staff. Many parents also took the opportunity to view the God’s Loving Plan material that will be used in the final weeks of term. The results of our recent evaluation of Star Cards were shared with parents. These are now displayed in the bubble should anyone wish to read again.


Finally a word of congratulations to Miss Speirs who over the May weekend was married and is now Mrs Boyd! We wish Mr and Mrs Boyd every happiness for their future together.


Many thanks for reading the blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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