Celebrating a special day!

The pupils may have been at school for three days this week but so much has been happening.
Last Saturday, 17 of our primary 4 children received their First Holy Communion. This was a very spiritual occasion and a most important step on the journey of faith for our pupils. My thanks to Father Bogan, the parishioners of St. Cuthbert’s, Mrs McCart and all school staff for making this a very memorable occasion.
On Tuesday morning we said goodbye to staff and 21 of our senior pupils as they headed for a week of adventure at Ardentinny. A wonderful time was had by all with reports of gorge walking, rock hopping and abseiling being the favourites. Many tired faces arrived back at school on Friday. Please check the blog this week for the photographs of the trip to tell the story.
We welcomed a film crew to the school on Wednesday to film our pupils and staff taking forward the 1 plus 2 language initiative. The footage will be used at the council launch later this month. I immensely proud of our pupils and staff being able to participate so well in this project. This is an example of the commitment of staff to continual improve their own skills and abilities to further develop the educational experience of our youngsters.
On Thursday the staff worked with myself reflecting on The progress that has been made on this year’s School Improvement Plan. They also undertook the evaluation of the Star Card system. Please return the parent/career evaluations of Star Cards as soon as possible.

In the nursery…. ​this month’s focus is mini beasts.

Outside area
The children have enjoyed being outside making mini beast hotels and searching for the beasts by going on bug hunts. Between the wet spells they have also been attending to their garden where the flowers are blooming and the vegetables are growing.

Children were making ladybird pictures following patterns and counting spots.

In Literacy we will be sharing a variety of books on our topic mini beasts. Children have been enjoying finding out facts about the insects and are now able to label parts of them . We also started up the lending library in which the children all enjoyed picking a book to take home to share with their family. Please make sure all books are returned on a Monday .

Our topic wall has been changed please feel free to have a look and see all the fabulous work from our children.

Children were doing some yoga this week and acting out the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Staff consulted the children during the week about their nursery and what change if any they would like. The children seemed to like the new layout when they returned to nursery on Friday. Please feel free to look at the children’s ideas which are displayed in the foyer.

We are all looking forward to a visit from Amazonia on Wed both am and pm sessions. Parents and carets are invited to come along if you are feeling brave!

Another busy week ahead for our nursery children and we also have Primary 4 and 7 heading out on educational excursions.

Thank you for reading our blog,
Mrs Hendry

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