Final term begins and we’re out and about!

A warm welcome back to our final term of this session. I hope you all had a fantastic break and the sun has certainly helped many of our pupils grow over the two weeks.

As always this week was very busy with all classes making the most of the sunshine and taking their learning out and about.

The school newsletter was issued at the end of the week. Please check the school bags and school website to ensure you are kept up to date with all that is happening in this final busy term.

Primary 4 have been working hard preparing for their First Holy Communion celebration on Saturday 2nd May. A letter was issued this week and a further letter confirming details will be issued next week.

Primary 7 have been organising rooms for Ardentinny and a further letter will be issued next week with final arrangements for the annual residential trip.


We welcomed three new pupils to our school this week. All settled extremely well and I wish them every success for their time as St. Cuthbert’s pupils.


Great excitement on Wednesday morning as Primary 1 headed off to Almond Valley for their educational excursion. The sun was shining and their little faces were a picture as they all boarded the bus. They returned absolutely exhausted after a fantastic and very busy day on the farm.

Primary 6 headed out on Thursday to Summerlee to further their learning about World War I. Again a super day was had by all.

My thanks to the staff who accompanied our children along with the many helpers but most of all the pupils who displayed exemplary behavior and manners on both days.


On a sad note, Mrs Berryman one of our grandparent helpers, sadly passed away during the Spring break. Mrs Berryman faithfully helped out in many ways over the past few years enabling our pupils to visit exciting places and develop their learning. We will remember Mrs Berryman and her family at this difficult time.


In the nursery the children have been outdoors checking on their newly established vegetable plot. The Flower Shop in the playroom continues to be popular for role play. Staff have been evaluating children’s progress and

this week staff will be meeting with parents to discuss progress and targets for the final term.


Letters will be issued on Monday about Parents’ Evening appointments. Please complete and return promptly.

We wish our 17 Primary 4 pupils well for their First Communion on Saturday and hope the sun shines!


Thank you for reading my blog.

Mrs Hendry




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