A very busy week – again!

We started the week with 22 of our young children making their First Reconciliation in St. Cuthbert’s Church. Once again this was a wonderful celebration of faith with our children making a special step on their faith journey supported by family, school and parish. Our thanks go to Father Bogan for supporting our school and our pupils so well. Thank you also to Father Joseph and Canon O’Mahoney who joined us on Monday evening. Fathers Bogan and Joseph visited the school on Wednesday to hear confessions from pupils in primaries 4-7 in preparation for the great feast of Easter.


On Wednesday evening our senior dancing girls performed at Hamilton Town House Festival of Dance. Under the direction of Miss McLaughlin, our girls were fantastic! The girls have worked very hard and their efforts certainly paid off. Well done girls and many thanks to Miss McLaughlin.


In the classes lots of exciting learning happening as we come to the end of a very busy term.


Primary 1 have written recipes for the bread they made last week in our cook room. They have also been caring for their sunflower plants. Great excitement this week as they have booked their educational excursion to Almond Valley Farm for Wednesday 22nd April. Something to look forward to after the holidays!

Primary 2 were in the cooking room on Monday making polar bear biscuits for their showcase on Tuesday. The hall was very busy on Tuesday afternoon as we welcomed primaries 1 and 6 and many family and friends to share the learning about Polar Lands from Primary 2. This topic was an example of excellent practice in developing the curriculum. Primary 2 have developed skills and knowledge across many areas and this was highlighted as they shared their learning. They spoke about their enterprise activity to raise money to sponsor two polar bears and delivered the message about caring for our world through song and word. Well done Primary 2 and Miss Prentice!

Primary 3 have been learning about fractions in maths and took their learning outside to carry out a traffic survey in Burnbank.

Primary 4 have also been in the cooking room making honey biscuits at the end of their Roman topic. They have been using the parachute in PE having great fun.

Primary 5/6 have participated in the Stations of the Cross this week, recalling the final journey of Jesus. In science, they have been learning about food chains.

In Primary 6 the theme of Holy Week continued and they have been looking at customs in Spain. They know how to say Happy Easter in Spanish – Feliz Pascua.

I was glad to see Primary 7 taking their science learning to the yard this week as they were creating mini rockets in science learning about chemical reactions. As part of their WWII topic they have been learning about the Blitz and making air raid shelters.

Friday was our final fundraising day. The Bring and Buy sale was very busy all morning and then the highlight of the week was the Talent Show in the afternoon. Many thanks to Mrs Kinnie for her excellent organisation of this event, assisted by Mrs Clark. The standard of acts was very high and the audience were fantastic. Congratulations to all our performers.


We are now entering Holy Week in the life of the Church. On Thursday this week we will have a special service in school to mark the events of Holy Week and learn a little more about what this means. Everyone has worked hard during the season of Lent in many ways. We will have a total for our Lenten Fundraising this week and I will update the blog before the Spring Break with this information.


Many thanks for reading our blog,

Mrs Hendry

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