Learning in a variety of ways

There have been a variety of learning experiences across all the stages this week in St. Cuthbert’s Primary.

On Friday St. Cuthbert’s Primary School Pupil Council welcomed Julie Cummings from the Trussell Trust Food Bank to their school. As part of their Lenten fundraising efforts they collected 145 Easter Eggs for the local community.

Julie said, “We are delighted to be able to collect so many eggs. We will be able to distribute these to families in the local area. We would like to thank the children, their families and the school for their generosity.’

Food Bank


Primary 1 have been learning about the Easter Story. They also had a visit from a giant have been writing imaginative stories to help him. Little Red hen also paid a visit and helped Primary 1 to make their very own bread and butter.

Primary 4 watched the live link to the Nasa Space Station prior to the eclipse on Friday. The watched the live footage of the eclipse as it happened. Primary 4 also visited Tesco in Uddingston this week as part of their learning about being healthy. They had great fun going on fruit and vegetable hunts and very mach enjoyed the fresh pancakes for their snack!

Primary 6 participated in the annual rugby festival at Hamilton Rugby Club. In numeracy the focus has been fractions and in writing the pupils wrote a report all about the solar eclipse.

Primary 7 have been identifying 3D objects and describing their properties. As part of their World War II study they have investigated various shelters.

Primary 3 have been making the final preparations for their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Monday evening. We wish all our pupils well as the make this important step on their journey of faith.

In the nursery…

Spring has sprung and the children have been discussing what they want to find out in our new topic. Top of the list being Spring animals and plants. This week new Spring action songs were introduced and children enjoyed acting them out. A shopping list has been made up to develop our garden area and the discovery pit will be changing into a vegetable pit/garden. We look forward to trying all our grown vegetables for snack.

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Some time was spent this week talking to the children about the eclipse. What it was, how it happen and the children enjoyed watching the eclipse take place from the safety of the nursery on Friday morning.

We have been talking to the children about the new lending library which we are hoping to start after the Easter Holidays – further information to follow.


Many thanks for reading our blog,

Mrs Hendry




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