National Science Week

I must start with some exciting news omitted from last week’s blog. Last Friday over 30 senior pupils from P6 and 7 participated in the Hamilton Cross Country competition. Some very tired and muddy children returned to the school but I am delighted to say that all children successfully completed the course and for the first time we had a P7 pupil, Matthew Anderson, who gained 3rd place. Matthew will now compete in the regional finals. Congratulations to Miss McKendry, Matthew and all the children who participated. Many thanks to staff and helpers who also accompanied our pupils during the day.


The focus this week was clearly on science in all classes as part of National Science Week.

The chicks continued to grow and develop in Primary 7 and all children in the school visited and learned from the experience.


We were delighted to welcome Laura Thomas, an astrophysicist, to our school on Tuesday. Laura led the children in a variety of activities linked to their class learning.

Some children had the opportunity to handle a meteorite!

BMW then arrived on Wednesday with their renewable energy cars. The pupils listened attentively to the theory behind the electric cars. Many pupils also got the opportunity to sit in the cars as well. (Photos to follow this week – I promise!)

Primary 7 also visited the science labs at the secondary school. They took part in experiments within the labs and were complemented about their knowledge of science.

Many thanks to Miss McKendry, our very own scientist, who coordinated this week of exciting learning opportunities.


On Wednesday evening, Miss Prentice and myself were accompanied by 8 pupils to a very special mass to mark the 400th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. John Ogilvie. It was a wonderful celebration of faith celebrated by His Lordship Bishop Toal and many priests from the associated parishes. The occasion marked the official renaming of the school to St. John Ogilvie High School. Congratulations to Mr Morrison and all associated with the school.


In the nursery…


All our new starts have started and settled in very well.

This week at group time the children have been evaluating the transport topic telling their keyworkers what they now know.


Snack area: Both am and pm have decided on the snack menu for next week they have chosen Toast, cereal melba toast and the old favourite cheese and pickles.


Outdoors the children have enjoyed painting in the puddles.



We are continuing to promote independence by encouraging the children to put on their own coats and shoes. This is an activity that could be encouraged at home.

To promote numeracy this week the children went on a number hunt in the big school. The children enjoyed this activity and had their eyes peeled everywhere to see how many numbers they could find.

In the Art area children have been busy making a special keepsake for a very special day coming up.

All the children had a few opportunities over the last fortnight to visit the chicks. Some of the children were brave enough to hold them and all had their own wee stories to tell about them.



We are now moving on to our new topic Spring/Growing and would encourage you to talk about the change of weather(hopefully) and look out for signs of Spring with your children.


Finally on Friday we had our Egg Eggstravaganza as part of our Lenten Fundraising programme. We collected 144 chocolate eggs which we will donate to a local food bank to enable those less fortunate than ourselves to celebrate Easter with a little chocolate treat. Many thanks to our children and families for their generosity.


Many thanks for reading our blog,

Mrs Hendry

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