Celebrating our Faith

We had a wonderful celebration of our faith on Monday evening when 55 of our senior pupils were confirmed by Bishop Toal. The whole community of St. Cuthbert’s parish gathered together to make this a very special occasion. Special thanks must go to Bishop Toal, Father Bogan, the musicians of the parish, the altar servers, members of the parish community and our parents and carers. Thank you to so many staff who came to support our children and particularly our senior school staff who worked so hard in helping our children prepare. However, my biggest thanks goes to the pupils themselves who were a credit to themselves, their families and school on Monday evening. There was a very prayerful atmosphere in the church and the excellent participation of the pupils, both in prayer and song, was commented on by many. I hope our young people now find strength from this sacrament to continue to live their lives in faith and be an example to those around them.


Primary 4 had an excellent visit to the Pastoral Centre on Monday to further their preparation for the sacrament of the Eucharist. We were delighted to welcome six senior students from John Ogilvie High who accompanied the children and facilitated the day as part of their Caritas award programme.


Primary 1 hosted a visit from a farmer this week. This was part of their topic about The Farm. The children enjoyed listening to what’s involved in looking after a farm.

Primary 6 began rugby sessions with Hamilton Rugby Club this week in preparation for the rugby festival.

Primary 7 had a visit from John Ogilvie High RE department this week. This work was in preparation for the mass that will be celebrated next week to mark the 400th Anniversary of the martyrdom of John Ogilvie. 8 senior pupils, along with staff, will represent our school at this mass.


On a sad note we said goodbye to Karen Wallace, our Home School Partnership worker, on Thursday morning. Karen has been a faithful friend of the school for 10 years helping out pupils, staff and parents in many, many ways. Karen is moving onto a new job and we wish her every success for the future.




Also on Thursday Primary 2 hosted Save the Polar Bear Day. This was part of their learning about climate change. Primary 2 spoke at assembly and raised awareness of climate change. They asked that everyone bring an extra layer to wear at school on Thursday and then they could turn the heating down every so slightly. To help keep everyone warm they made Fairtrade hot chocolate and sold this to raise money to sponsor a polar bear. Primary 2 also emailed me to ask that I publish the next newsletter online only and save paper. Watch this space.  An excellent example of Curriculum for Excellence in action. Well done Primary 2!

Finally, Friday was a very busy day. We marked Fairtrade Fortnight with a coffee morning on Friday morning. It was very well attended and my thanks to our wonderful support staff and Fairtrade Committee who helped organise the event. It was great to see so many parents, friends and relatives in our school. While this was happening the whole school, including the nursery, had the opportunity to raise money for our Lenten charities by taking part in our sponsored bounce.

I had the pleasure of taking prospective parents on a tour of the school during this busy day and they were most impressed with the wide range of learning activities and partnership working evident within our school.


In the nursery ….



Lots of children over the last few weeks have shown an improved interest in writing their own names and have been doing this in many ways.

All our children have been recording their learning through their own learning books at group time.



Traffic surveys have been taken place and children have enjoyed guessing what form of transport will pass by St Cuthbert’s Nursery class the most.


Health and wellbeing

Children have been enjoying outside activities relating to our topic Transport and even made their own car wash.

Gym hall activities have included transport action songs and a very long bounce on the bouncy castle which the children all thoroughly enjoyed.



We have now implemented our new snack menu after taking guidance from the new document Setting the Table. Children have enjoyed wraps and cheese and plain yoghurts with fruit. Please look out for the new snack menu which will be displayed in the cloakroom.


Across the Curriculum

Messy play has included junk modeling this week and colour work has been a firm favourite with lots of fantastic models been sent home .


Children, parents and staff are all looking forward to a visit to the Transport Museum on Thursday 5th March to finish another successful topic.


Thank you for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry



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