Getting ready

Last week was a week of preparation and getting ready for many reasons in St. Cuthbert’s Primary.


On Monday morning I walked with Primary 6 and 7 pupils to celebrate mass in St. Cuthbert’s Church. After mass the children spent time in the church getting organised for their Confirmation this Monday evening. The confirmandi pupils have worked extremely hard this week preparing for their Sacrament in many ways. They have reflected on their chosen saint, practised hymns and prayers and are now very excited about being confirmed in the Catholic faith on Monday evening. They also received a visit from representatives from the Legion of Mary from St. Cuthbert’s who spoke about their forthcoming sacrament and gave each pupil a little gift. This illustrates the partnership working between parish and school and enables our children to understand that they are indeed part of St. Cuthbert’s parish community.


On Wednesday the whole school walked to the church to celebrate mass for Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. My grateful thanks to the many volunteers that helped walk our children to church. The rain also helped by staying away! The parishioners of St. Cuthbert’s were delighted to see the whole school at mass in the church and I was overwhelmed, but not surprised, by the many compliments the pupils received about their behavior, their participation during mass, their high standard of uniform and of course their wonderful singing! Well done St. Cuthbert’s it is once again a pleasure and privilege to be head teacher of this school.


At assembly this week we thought about our actions during Lent. We considered how we will pray, do penance and give alms. Our Lenten booklet has been given to all families and is available on the website. Please encourage your child to participate in the opportunities for prayer throughout Lent and be ready for our fundraising activities each Friday.


Our two charities this year are SCIAF and St. Andrew’s Hospice. It was heartening that our children decided on these charities especially when Bishop Toal’s Pastoral Letter this weekend reminded us about the importance of SCIAF as the church’s own charity to provide aid for those in need.


This Friday is our Sponsored Bounce – pupils can wear casual clothes and school polo shirt for the day.

This Friday will also be Fairtrade Friday. Please come along and support our Coffee Morning in the school at 10am.


All pupils had a treat on Thursday with a performance of the Jungle Book from M&M Productions. This was definitely the best one so far! The children enjoyed this treat after all their hard work during the Christmas season. We used money from Cash from Kids to pay for part of the show.


On Thursday there was great excitement in the nursery when First Bus arrived in the school playground. This was part of the nursery transport topic. The children boarded the shiny new bus, got a ticket and took their seat. Children then had a chance to be a bus driver in a real bus! Many songs were sung including The Wheels on the Bus! This was a fantastic learning experience for all our children and we now have many aspiring bus drivers in our nursery as a result!


Please remember and pray for our Primary 6 and 7 pupils this Monday evening as they make their Confirmation.


Thank you for reading my blog.


Mrs Hendry

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