It’s good to give thanks!

Another extremely busy week in St. Cuthbert’s Primary was had by all.

The highlight of our week had to be our Thanksgiving Assembly on Friday afternoon. This annual event is a special time for our whole school community. The sun was shining on Friday afternoon as our pupils for Primary 3 and Primary 4 gathered with the whole school and many friends and families to give thanks for the sacraments they have received this year. Back in March our primary 3 children celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time and only last week our primary 4 pups became full participants in the the mass by making their first holy communion. These are very important steps in the faith journey of our pupils. Pupils shared their learning at the assembly and gave thanks for the help and support they received from their families, school and parish community. The celebration continued into the dining hall with traditional juice and cake for the children of primaries 3 and 4 and their families.

We welcomed back four past pupils this week from John Ogilvie High School to complete their work experience week. Andrew, Jude, Morgan and Bethany worked extremely well and were a credit their school, families and former primary school! We may see them in the future as student teachers.

Our educational excursions also continued this week with primary 5 visiting Amazonia and the nursery learning all about senses at Glasgow Science Centre. Both trips were thoroughly enjoyed and excellent learning opportunities.
Primary 1 visited Burnbank library this week too.
Primary 7 have been working hard on transition activities for John Ogilvie. The art project is almost complete with some super work being produced and the heats for the public speaking competition have also taken place. Congratulations to Holly Airlie and Kaila Gallacher who will go forward to represent the school with the other feeder primaries.
Our new entrants for primary 1 enjoyed another visit to primary 1 this week and are settling in well to their new environment. We are delighted to welcome children from other establishments as well as many from our own nursery class.

All pupils received their full reports on Friday and I hope parents are very proud of the academic progress and many achievements of their children. We look forward to discussing individual pupil progress on Wednesday evening at our parents’ evening. The book fair has also been delivered – a perfect treat for out children! Please support the book fair as the commission received helps the school greatly to stock class and school libraries.

Next week is a holiday weekend and the last staff development day. Pupils are off school Thursday, Friday and Monday.
My blog will return in two weeks time.

Have a good week everyone,

Mrs Hendry

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