A Week of Adventure!

It seems to be a running theme but yet again we have had a week full of learning, fun, achievement and special events!

On Monday evening, 18 of our Primary 3 children made their First Reconciliation in St. Cuthbert’s Church. It was a wonderful celebration of faith and a very special moment for each of our young pupils as they made a significant step on their faith journey. The pupils have been supported by Mrs Fletcher and their families during their journey and everyone came together on Monday evening to join the boys and girls as they made their confession with Father Bogan. We look forward to P3 joining P4 after their First Holy Communion for our Thanksgiving Assembly in May. Well done to all involved.

We said goodbye to Primary 7 on Monday afternoon as the bus was packed and they were heading off for a week of adventure at Lockerbie Manor. What a week they had! We were all kept up to date throughout the week hearing of abseiling, hill walks, canoeing and zip slides to name only a few of the activities. However, for me the success of the week was no more evident than when I met the bus on its return and Ayden, one of our P7s , beamed and said ‘Mrs Hendry that was absolutely brilliant – the best week of my life!” What more can you say. The staff at Lockerbie Manor were full of our praise for our youngsters, consistently commenting on their positive attitude, manners, teamwork and encouragement for others throughout the whole week. I am immensely proud of all our Primary 7s – well done! A huge thanks has to go to Mrs McCart and Miss McKendry who accompanied our pupils and provided first class care and support throughout the week as well. The staff from the centre also commented positively on our teacher participation all week as well – well done!

Not to be left out P5 took to the water on Tuesday for the beginning of their swimming block. A positive start was made by all pupils.
I accompanied 3 pupils to St Mary’s Primary in Hamilton on Wednesday morning. These children were the winners for the Scottish Water Competition and their efforts won the school a water butt that can be used in our school garden. Well done!
Friday was pyjama/onesie day for our Lenten Fundraising. Almost all our pupils participated helping to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves.
I was delighted to attend John Ogilvie High School on Friday for the feast day mass. The mass was celebrated by Bishop Toal. This mass is attended by the S1 and S6 pupils and it is the first opportunity to see our past pupils in their new school. I was very proud to see two our pupils continuing their role as altar servers and many others looking very smart in their JOHS uniform.

On Friday Miss Collins arranged for a visit from a STEM ambassador to our lower school. Heather came to school on Friday and supported pupils in Primary 2 with their learning about climate change. Heather also worked with Primary 3 relating to their learning about the weather and also Primary 1. The artefacts were super and all children throughly enjoyed the learning experience and extended their knowledge.
In the nursery this week the focus has moved to Spring. The boys and girls have been busy spotting signs of Spring throughout the school. In the creative area they have been studying daffodils and making super paintings of their own. We welcomed the final intake into our nursery this week. The nursery is a very busy place but our established children have been working hard helping the new children settle quickly.

Due to the return of Primary 7 late Friday afternoon we had no assembly and no new Spanish phrase of the week so will consolidate all vocabulary learned to date this week.
SeƱora Hendry

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