26th January 2014

The whole school has been preparing for our Eco Schools visit this coming week. The Eco Committee presented a special assembly on Thursday and everyone has been busy learning our school Eco Song and Code.
Primary 7 took their learning to Glenlee Woods on Thursday as part of their John Muir Award work.
We welcomed Roz Neary from the charity Lepra to our school on Friday. She gave a very thought provoking presentation to all pupils at our assembly. Two of our pupils, Heather Cassidy P6 and Aaron Hawkins P2, received awards from the Knights of St. Columba for their entries to the ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’ painting competition. Well done!
I am delighted to report that our focus on late coming has been most successful. On Friday we had only four children who reported to school late – a huge improvement on the previous week when we had over forty children late. We will continue to monitor this situation and I appreciate the continued support from all families.
I hope to have our school bell fixed this coming week as a school with no bell is a very quiet place! However, it has been great learning opportunity for telling the time in all classes!
Our nursery class has been a very busy place this week as we welcome all our new children and their families. Everyone has settled well and our ‘older’ children in the nursery have thoroughly enjoyed showing the new starts where everything is and helping them to settle in.
We look forward to our Eco Schools visit on Thursday and are very excited about the formal publication of our super HMIe report on Tuesday.

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