
Maths – keep revising time. P3s revise the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help with division this week. P4s revise the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables.

Spelling – learn words. Write 2 interesting sentences (with good openers) for 2 words of your choice.

Reading – task given in class. Jobs – A-Z; Kidnappers – picnic menu; Weather – favourite weather and why; Robots – draw a robot and write what it does.

Watch Newsround.

Extra – Sumdog, blog header.



  • Spelling words (include your revision words.
  • Reading activity given in class


  • Time revision with clock – please bring this back every day.
  • P3s o clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on analogue and digital clocks and telling the time 15mins, 30mins and an hour before and after.
  • P4s minutes to and minutes past on digital and analogue clocks. Times before and after.
  • Sumdog


  • RSPB Garden Watch
  • Design a new blog header (Extra)

What we’re doing…

In maths we are learning how to tell the time. P3s have been learning analogue and digital o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times. P4s have been learning minutes past and to the hour times. Keep practising this at home.

Our reading strategy that we’re focusing on is Connecting.

We’re using Talk For Writing to help develop our writing. This week we’re looking at journey stories and thinking about good openings.

We’re taking part in the Scottish engineer Leader’s Award and are looking for engineers to come in and chat to the class. If you, or someone you know can help out, please let me know.


P3 – spelling. Learn new words and revise words from sheet. Read new book.

P4 – spelling. Read new book.

Maths – keep practising telling the time at home.

Prepare a solo talk based on a famous Scot. Use the planning sheet to help and make sure you rehearse it. This is due on MONDAY, not Friday.


Spelling  and phonics

P3 second, fifteen, five, fourteen, spring, sunny, those, home

P4 answer, appear, centre, century, history, often, quarter, question

‘wa’ words (was) and ‘th’ words (then) see how many words you can spell with these phonemes in them.

Read at least 2 pages of your book each night. (You can read more if you wish)

Maths worksheet

P4 – subtraction P3 – Money


If you’re looking for extra to do think about

sumdog, design a new blog header, read a book of your choice, help out at home with tasks, revise times tables, revise numberbonds, Hit the Button maths game.


The Week Ahead

New appointment times have been issued for parents’ night on Wednesday. Your child should have received a slip confirming the time last week. Hope to see you all there.

On a Monday and Friday we will be outdoors. Please ensure your child has a suitable jacket and shoes on these days.

We will be doing a STEM task on Thursday and will require boxes and cardboard. If you have any at home, please send it in.


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