Your Blog Team

Welcome from our new blog team! After some competitive interviews the positions have been announced…

Leader and Time KeeperEuan Kennedy

Leader and Organiser-Kirstin Gannon

Proof ReaderMartin Lang

Photographer and Scanner-Jack McKenna

Illustrators Cameron Eardley and Dean Rodgers

Authors-Amy Ward, Heather Jackson & Kara Dakin


                      The Blog Team


Essential Tasks


  • Squares – Algebra worksheet. Try as many as you can. Don’t worry if you find the second part a little difficult.
  • Triangles and Circles – Spend lots of time at home revising mental strategies for subtraction. Ask someone at home to help. Also keep revising time work.
  • Manga High – Play Sundae game to help with quick mental work.


  • Please remember that you should be continuing to read for enjoyment at home. Some of you will be feeding back on the books you have chosen. Remember to prepare for this.
  • Complete a reading task based on this book. *see back of your jotter
  • Debate – Some of you have been working on a school uniform debate. The next topic will be given out this week and pupils selected to take part.
  • Spelling – continue to revise the common words from your sheet.


To complete Remembrance poem if you didn’t finish it in class.

Gym kit on Wednesday for Rugby.

Music for topic work.

Bring in band clothes for press conference and video.

Drum for Mr Bamford’s lesson on Thursday.

Remembrance by Dean Rodgers


I have a dad, a dad who fights for us 

Who holds a gun in the Great War 

Who shoots and kills for me 

I have a dad, a dad who feels the fear 

Who walks about a death field 

In desperate sacrifice for me. 

I have a dad, a dad who’s at peace 

I have a dad together we shall meet 

Where the poppies grow out the ground 

And the cold blood stays without a sound.

The Soldiers Fell by Eilidh McEwan

The soldiers fell, fell for us

In Flander’s Field they lay

They were brave and loyal

And we all become silent on the eleventh day of the eleventh month

The soldiers fell, fell for us

They fought all day long

Lost lives

And when the war ended the clocks rang.

The soldiers fell, fell for us

We wear poppies to remember them

They did a good thing

The memories of them will sparkle like a gem.

The soldiers fell, fell for us

It’s a great thing that they do

People risk their lives to save us

And for that I say Thank You.


This week I’ve limited the amount of homework given out as I know most of you are doing Halloween things. Remember you can do other activities above and beyond the tasks I set.

Language – Reading.

  • Iron Man-Complete book.
  • Butterfly Lion – Read next chapter from booklet you have.


  • Look at how many different ways you use time in everyday life. Display these in some way. (I’ll explain this task more in class)
  • Time worksheet (will be given out throughout the week)
  • MangaHigh challenges on Time.


  • Revise your Creation Stories in preparation for an assessment.
  • Continue to read your own choice of books. be prepared to discuss it with the class.
  • Make a blog header for Remembrance day.

Mrs M

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