Hallside Bake Off by Kayla

The great Hallside bake off was on Friday and six people from our class were competing, they were Kayla, Alison, Andrew.S, Cameron.L, Rachel.R and Lucy. Unluckily, none of us won but the winners were Grant Mclaughin fromimage

p4a  for family and Jori Horn from p6 for child. Grant made a hedgehog cake and Jori made a swimming pool one. Now for what our competetors made. Cameron. L made butterfly cupcakes, Rachel. R made a Hallside sponge, Alison made a carrot cake, Lucy made a maltteaser cake, Andrew. S made some chocolate orange cupcakes and Kayla made a sponge cake and 11 cupcakes.

Star Class!

Woo hoo!!! P7 have made a flying start by winning the first Star Class of the year. A huge congratulations and well done to each and every one of you, I’m very proud. Let the hard work continue!!

Mrs M


My WW2 Visit by Cameron Lobban

One weekend I went to Pollock Country Park where they had set up World War 2 trenches. I got to walk in them and see where the bomb marks where and see the weapons and food rationing and real guns and bullets. I learned that they had real street names attached to the wood panels so that soldiers remembered where and how to get about the trenches. They had to make sure all their supplies were with them as they were in the trenches for a long time. Wooden boards were placed down so that they could walk along the rows safely. The trenches walls were higher than the soldiers to keep them protected and they would just pop up to shoot or see what was going on.

Cameron Lobban


Essential homework MUST be completed and handed in on Friday. Each essential homework task is worth 1 point.


Additional tasks MUST also be handed in on Friday!!! You do not have to complete them all, but remember you must achieve at least 10 points.

Essential Homework

  • Maths: RM Easimaths – 2 sessions (30 minutes)
  • Maths: Mental (from sheet) (1) Multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers by 10, (2) reinforce the times tables to multiply and divide but with an emphasis on speed, (3) multiply and divide 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit. Although you do not have to have anything written down, please spend time on this and get an adult to sign to say you have worked on these strategies.
  • Language: Learn spelling words. ‘tial’ words copied into your jotter and choose 3 spelling words to use in a WOW paragraph/sentence. (use an exciting opener, connective, good vocabulary)

Additional Tasks.


  • Oral Book review for remainder of pupils. (literacy)



  • Follow a recipe at home to create something edible. Be prepared to talk me through what you did. Email a picture to slgw07maxwelllouise@glow.sch.uk or bring in a picture or a signed sentence saying what you did.


1 Point

  • Read for at least half an hour. (Get someone to sign to say you have done this. Make a note of the book and author) (literacy)
  • VCOP a page of a book you are reading
  • Email an entry for the class blog to slgw07maxwelllouise@glow.sch.uk  (literacy, ICT)
  • Attend a club outside of school. Write the name of it and be prepared to talk about it.
  • Spend time looking at the websites on our blog page. (The Woodlands Junior in particular for WW2 and symmetry ones for a little revision)



Please remember to get your homework signed and write down the tasks you have completed.

Recipe for Apple Crumble

For those of you that still have your crumble mixture to make,

30g of plain flour

20g of butter

17g of Demerara sugar


Rub in the flour and butter until you have a fine breadcrumb consistency. Add the sugar. Sprinkle this over your apple mixture and put in the oven at 180 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until the top is golden brown.



Feel free to email any pictures of your crumble or you enjoying your crumble to slgw07maxwelllouise@glow.sch.uk

Please Remember…

The week ahead…

No school crossing patrol on Overtoun Road at 3pm on Wednesday – letters went home.

On Thursday please bring a small bowl and a vegetable peeler to enable you to take part in our cooking session. We will be using flour, butter, apples and sugar. Please advise of any allergies you may have.

Homework and book reviews due on Friday.


The week ahead.


  • Circles will complete their work on symmetry and move onto multiplication. Keep revising your tables at home.
  • Squares and Triangles will continue to work on symmetry before moving onto multiplication next week.


  • Spelling – we will continue to look at ‘ious’ words and definitions. Wee group will also look at ‘str’ words.
  • Reading – we will look more closely at the summarising strategy and read a few more chapters of Think Me Back. We will also complete the next unit of Key Comprehension.
  • Writing – we will continue writing our Fairytale stories for the infants. I can’t wait to read them!

Science – We will continue with our investigations into Rocks.

Topic – We will continue with our group research and look a little at rationing. This will link into our cooking session as part of British Food Fortnight where we will cook a crumble using a recipe from WW2.



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