
As there have been a few children absent and a few parents asking about homework I’ve provided a copy of the current maths booklet homework. This week we are completing the questions marked with * and the full time page. In the meantime for the children who are absent; keep revising tables, play Sumdog and READ as much as you can.

Mrs M


Spelling – shape words. Draw the shape.

Maths – selected questions from booklet. This should be revision – see me if you need support or help. Please keep this booklet safe! Sumdog for extra practise.

Try to read a little more at home.

The week ahead…

Maths – we will continue to work on division. Please keep revising your tables to help with this.

Literacy – we are looking at portal stories and how to describe characters and settings. We are continuing to read Holes and seem to be really enjoying it!

RME – we are looking at creation stories from different religions and discussing them whilst thinking about our own beliefs.

The music specialist will be in on Wednesday to work with the P5s.


Things to remember this week…

Extra swimming session on Wednesday for the P6s. Please remember your kit. If you are also in athletics please bring this kit in and a packed lunch. Arrangements have been made for you to be able to do both.

No assembly on Wednesday.

Music with the specialist on Wednesday afternoon for P5s.

Thursday is World Book Day. You can come in dressed up. Please also bring in favourite book as we will be doing some activities based around these.

P6s are also swimming on Thursday. Please bring your kit again.

Some people have still to bring in a bottle for Dress Down Day last Friday. These can be brought in anytime.


Please think about your invention and be prepared to discuss and draw it in class.

Read Ch 7/8 of Holes (if you didn’t finish it in class) and write a summary in 5 points. Think about why you’re including each point.

Bring in a book you enjoy reading now and be prepared to chat about it on Thursday (World Book Day).

SumDog – we are entered in the competition. Try to answer as many questions as you can accurately.

Think about Scottish songs we could perform as part of our show.

Keep revising your tables every night.

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