A huge thanks to the girls who led our dance sessions. Very impressive results.
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The week ahead
Halloween Party in Thursday. Bring in £1 plus money for tuck shop if required.
In maths we are continuing to work on our mental addition strategies.
In writing we will be looking at how to write instructions, focusing on time openers.
Spelling ‘ie’ words learn these and revise ‘ea’ words from last week.
Vocabulary – nauseating, bewitch and vulnerable. Use each word in a WOW sentence.
Read Ch4 of Kensuke’s Kingdom.
2nd group for book review.
Learn-Its. Mental addition (see sheet). Revise tables.
What we’ve been learning.
Maths – we’ve been learning to use the written method to complete addition sums. We’ve also been learning to double numbers.
Literacy – we’ve been writing letters to the Japanese Consulate. We’ve been reading Kensuke’s Kingdom and working on lots of comprehension tasks.
Topic – we’ve been looking at what causes earthquakes and tsunamis.
Spelling – learn words (cinema, circle,circuit,cereal, celebration, centre, mercy, cylinder, cyclone,accident)
Vocabulary – avid, berate, pummel (all words discussed in class) Write a sentence using each word.
Read Chapter 3 of Kensuke’s Kingdom.
Prepare your book review talk. Remember the group you were in and when yours is due.
Maths – Learn-its. Try to answer them in 30 seconds. Revise tables.
Japanese Consulate Visit
Literacy work
Japan topic work
The week ahead
On Tuesday we will have our visit from the Japanese Consulate.
Friday and Monday are holidays.
Literacy – we will be focusing on reciprocal reading strategies and group working using the class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom.
Numeracy – we will continue to read, order and compare numbers to one million.
A few children have been asking about soundation. Your user name ends in @glow.sch.uk
Read Ch 1 of Kensuke’s Kingdom.
Spelling – ee words. How many can you think of? Try to have some good vocabulary.
Sumdog – any issues let me know ASAP.
Tables revision and revision of highlighted mental strategies.