Category Archives: Uncategorized


Spelling – learn spelling words for test on Friday. Use to help. Make sure you choose the correct list!

Sumdog – use login details to complete some challenges. Remember we will have our own mini competition within the class.

Find out some facts about St Andrew. Present them in your chosen way for Wednesday! (Don’t go overboard!!!)

Read for a little every night.

Book review – you know who you are.

Complete Japan clothing person.


Set yourself a reading challenge for the week and write it down. We’ll discuss ideas tomorrow but it could be to read a full book, to read a book your friend recommends, to read for 10mins(or more) every night, to read aloud to a younger sibling or parent/guardian, to read a different genre of book, to read a new book by your favourite author.

Bring in a book you want to read during this week. (Or if you’re happy with your school library book, that’s fine)

Oral book review for the next 6 people on the list. (You know who you are!)


Same words as last week but with more emphasis on their meanings.  Write an interesting sentence for 5 of your words. Try to use the words during your week, in writing etc.



Monday is an INSET day, you will not be at school.

Please bring in a tuna tin or other suitable lid type thing for our craft activity.

Have suitable outdoor learning clothes for next week.

Parents’ Night is on Thursday.

Mrs M



Please remember to bring in suitable clothing for outdoor learning as we will be painting the tyres if it is dry at any point.

If you are wanting to buy a book from the book fayre bring in your money tomorrow. Also think about our class book swap.

Mrs M