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Art Task

Can you look again at the 3 pieces of art discussed in class? Google The Sled by Joseph Beuys, Rocky Mountains and Tired Indians by David Hockney and An Eye on the Street by David Peat.

Can you guess what the picture is trying to represent? Can you find out any info about the artist?


Space Topic

Hope you all enjoyed the lesson today on what it takes to be an astronaut. Here are a few links for you to look at. They may be useful for the surprise task and you may wish to take additional notes on them.

Tim Peake information from European Space Agency.

Loads of great clips on YouTube including this one

Few good ISS spotting opportunities this week. Check the ISS spotter app. One tonight at 8.02pm and tomorrow at 7.09pm. Let me know if you spot it!

Mrs M


Keep revising tables.

15 minutes (or more) on Sumdog or RM Easimaths (or both). Any issues see me asap!

Maths sheet given out in class.

Oral book review for First 6 on register. (Remember everyone should be reading regularly at home and completing the reading passport.)

Listen to this and this. These are our songs for the school show. It would be nice if you had a idea of them before we begin rehearsals. I will be looking for possible groups and individuals to take parts. Any issues see me asap!

Details will be given this week about a personal research project.


The week ahead.

Ms McAnally will be joining us. She will be getting to know you all a little better and teaching some lessons.

Remember PE kit on Tuesday. Also bring in trainers daily for our wee run around the school.

Athletics tournament on Friday for some children.

P7 trip money is due.

Kensuke’s Kingdom

Right now we are currently  reading a book called Kensuke’s Kingdom.

The story starts of with a boy called Michael who lives with his Mum,Dad and dog Stella.After school he either goes to football training with his best friend Eddie or does paper rounds.The family loved to go dingie sailing.His mum and dad both worked for a the same company until disaster struck…They both lost there jobs and the only person that had money was Michael who earned money from his paper rounds.Later on i the story Michael’s dad leaves Michael and his mum.After a few weeks Michael’s Dad phones saying hes found a place and wants us to meet someone.Michael,His Mum and Stella travel to go see his dad.Everyone was shocked especially his Mum when his dad not only bought something without asking but bought a BOAT and called it The Peggy Sue.They all deside that they will travel the world and teach Michael on the way.After another few weeks on sea it was a gloomy,dark,stormy night when a thunderous storm came..Stella was being annoying to Michael when suddenly…If you want to finish this off please feel free to and if you do i will ask Miss Maxwell to give a reward to the person.[Please if you are part of my e-portfolio comment on my posts]



The week ahead.

This week is National Storytelling Week. Lots of related activities. We will hopefully read our stories to the wee ones on Friday. Please ensure you have everything prepared by then.

2 people have to return Abernethy slips – don’t forget.

Our new gym day is Tuesday. Please remember your kit.

Photography people are in on the 31st.

P6 swimming as usual on Thursday.

P7s Rock Band on Thursday, but may be affected by WW2 visit.

P7s WW2 visit in school on Thurs and Fri. You will be split up for this. We’ll discuss who needs to go when due to other commitments.

Will update as required.