Category Archives: Uncategorized


Maths – scale drawing worksheet for everyone.

P7 Maths homework library

Spelling – words in jotter. Learn for test on Friday.

News Reports for all – you’ve been reminded of days.

Reading, tables, rm easimaths as usual.

Europe and WW2 projects ongoing, these are due 31st of March.

I’d like course 2 worked on at home – some are tricky. See how you get on.


Reminder that homework for this week is as follows…

P6 and P7 should be working on their individual research projects.

P7 – Homework Library for Maths – bring in frequently.

Tables revision (and RM Easimaths, Sumdog)

Reading (Can’t stress enough how important this is!)

News report for next week. (check to see when you are due)

Friday Madness

What a busy day. Well done to the athletics team who took part in the cross country event at Strathaven. Also another successful radio broadcast on Camglen radio, always enjoy listening to the talent. Particularly enjoyed the Internet safety advice. The P6s enjoyed a road safety workshop. In between all that we managed to complete our STEM egg challenge,     sing and choreograph our songs for the show, listen to the Declaration of War, discuss some causes of WW2 and think about our research project and meet with some taekwondo champions who taught us some moves.