Category Archives: Uncategorized


Spelling – learn to spell the words and understand their meanings. 3 WOW sentences.

Food – As it is Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight, create a Scottish 3 course menu. Feel free to cook it to and upload any photos to the blog.

Maths – Sumdog. Try to complete your 1000 questions at least. I’ll keep a wee eye on our class leaderboard too.

Bring in your recorders.

Mrs M

Outdoor Learning

On Friday we went down to Cambuslang park for outdoor learning.

First we went to the amphitheatre which had stone seats built into a slope and a grassy patch for the stage.  We had some free time here to play and have fun and got some photographs taken.

From there we went down to a bridge and looked onto the river which was dirty and muddy.  We had more playtime here and discovered a cave hidden by a big rock.  Although we didn’t go inside it we did peer inside and all we could see was blackness.

Finally we went to the play park to have fun on all of the toys.

Our week.


P6 have been looking at mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction.

P7 have been looking at place value to 1000000.

We’re also taking part in the Sumdog Scottish competition.


We have been looking at similes and coming up with our own interesting ones to use in poems.


In groups, we have been looking at cities in Japan and will be telling our classmates about them.


We were learning to match, mirror and canon with a partner during gymnastics.