Category Archives: Uncategorized

Week Ahead.

There is a newsletter that has lots of important information on it. Please read.

Abernethy letters are now due.

Highschool letters are due.

P7s maths revision homework is due on Tuesday.

Spelling homework – next column. Please get your sheet signed.

P6s Maths homework – Sumdog/RM Easimaths.


The week ahead.

Monday – art specialist in.

Wednesday – pantomime. Please bring ÂŁ2 and a snack.

Homework – spelling. Sentences for 3 words or a paragraph using as many words as you can. Understand the meanings of the words.

The week ahead!

Miss Mahmood returns to our class this week. She will be with us for 9 weeks with lots of exciting lesssons for us.

Swimming on Thursday – remember your kit.

Panto letters went home. ÂŁ2 to be brought in ASAP. (panto is next week)

Homework – spelling. Next column.