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Week ahead

Monday – kite homework due.

Rare Diseases Day – Wednesday. Donation of £1. Wear black and/or white.

World Book Day – Thursday. Dress up as a character from a book.

Wednesday – CPR training P7

Thursday – swimming P6


Some P7s still have to bring in trip money.

Please work on editing your sway presentation.


As internet safety day is on Tuesday, can you complete the questionnaire on yammer? All results will be sent automatically so think carefully before you answer.

Spelling – next column of words in preparation for weekly test.

Reading/writing – can you make a list of any interesting openers you come across and display them on a poster. Hopefully this will help you during writing time.

p7 – maths revision. These sheets will be given out regularly. The more you complete, the more you’ll know! We NEED to keep everything fresh in our head!