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This week so far…

In Literacy we are reading The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl. We’ve been predicting, questioning and summarising. We made a flyer to persuade people to use the Ladderless Window Cleaning Company and gave each other compliments.

In maths we continue to work on addition. Keep revising your number bonds and spend time going over the strategies.

Our topic is Ancient Egypt. So far we’ve found Egypt on a map and found out a little more about pyramids. We have also painted our own Egyptian scene.

Mrs M

Art Request

Over the course of the year we will be painting as part of our art lessons. Although we use water-based paint and it should wash off clothing, you may prefer for your child to wear an old oversized shirt or t-shirt to protect their uniform. If this is the case could you please provide one for your child to use and we can keep it in school.


Mrs M