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As part of our health topic, we’ve been looking at hygiene and the importance of proper handwashing. Today we looked at how germs can spread easily between people. We’ll be making posters and video clips to inform others in the school.

This week


p3s have been learning their joined phonemes ow, au, ew, practising their spelling words and reading their reading books while thinking about predicting and questioning.

P4s have been developing their comprehension skills using different short texts and practising their spelling words.

P3/4 have been writing suspense, finding tales about discovering a pyramid. Can’t wait to read them!



P3s have been working on their mental subtraction strategies.

P4s have been working on the written method for addition.

Homework 1st October

Spelling – words copied into jotter. LACASACAWAC words twice and choose a task.

Maths – Worksheet linked to work in class. Can complete on sheet.

Reading – same book as last week as we will be spending time looking at reading strategies and comprehension. However please spend some time reading a book of your choice at home. Record this in your homework jotter.

Extra – if you are looking for extra tasks you can do some of the following; Sumdog, RMEasimaths, watch Newsround (available online) practise telling the time, read, revise numberbonds, practise handwriting, design a blog header.


Spelling – LASACAWAC your words twice. Choose a task to complete. A few folk have been asking for a copy of the tasks. Here is a link to some of them. KS2-Spelling-Menu If you can think of any other ones, feel free to try these instead. If you need a paper copy, let me know.


Reading – every group has a new reading book this week.

Scuba Kids – read Chapter 2 and 3 by Thursday. (Don’t read any further so we can do predictions and discussions as a group)

The Woman who Fooled The Fairies – read Chapter 1 and 2 by Thursday. (Don’t read any further)

Is There Anyone Out There? – Read up to Pg 15 by Thursday. (If you want to read on, that’s fine.)

The Enormous turnip – Read up to Pg 27 by Thursday. (Don’t read any further.)


Look at the story map and try to retell it in your own words to an adult at home. Be prepared to retell it in class if asked.



Spelling – choose a spelling task to help learn your words this week.

Reading – read your reading book.

Maths – think of where you see 3D shapes in the real world.

Due on Thursday

This week!

Thank you to all the parents who made it along to Meet the Teacher. Was nice to see so many friendly faces!

In Maths, we’ve been looking at 3D shape. We have been learning their names and features and have been working on lots of practical tasks to help.

We have just finished reading The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me and have been working on our predicting, summarising and questioning skills.

We have been learning to use adjectives in our writing to make it more interesting.

As part of our topic, we have been designing our own Egyptian Death Masks. These are looking great – pics to follow.

Mrs M