All posts by Mrs Maxwell


A few folk have been asking about the inventions talk. It’s just a short talk about your invention and why it’s so good. (Think Dragon’s Den) You’ll have your model and drawing as a prop too. It shouldn’t be a huge task as you already know about your invention.


Reading – read book. Keep book record up to date. Being in library book on Thursdays.

Spelling – words and sentences for 2 of them.

Maths – P4s tables and P3s counting on/back in 10s.

Topic – 3D model and talk about invention.

World Book Day on Thursday.

Dress Rehearsal on Friday – dark bottoms, and blue or yellow t-shirt. If you’ve got sunglasses or other props please bring them in.



Reading task given in class.

Spelling. LASACAWAC words and write a sentence for 2 of the words.

Phoneme this week – ‘ch’



P4 – revise 6,8,9 times tables. (And 7 once we’ve learned it in class) We’ll have a wee assessment on this.

P3 – count to 1000. Numbers before and after. Writing numbers.



Build a 3D representation of your invention. This is for NEXT FRIDAY.

What we’re learning


P3s are learning to round to the nearest 10

P4s are learning their 6 and 8 times tables and linking it to division.


We’ve been looking at describing the setting in our writing. We’ve also been thinking about good openers and techniques to use in our stories.


We’re all hoping to achieve our Scottish Engineer Leader Award by thinking like an engineer and inventing our own product. Watch this space for the results.


Spelling – learn words and write an INTERESTING sentence for each. Think about openers, connectives and adjectives.

Reading – read chapter 1 for all groups except Electricty who should read the first 2 sections.

Maths – time worksheet. Keep practising this at home. P4s learn 6 and 8 times tables. P3 revise 2,5 and 10 times tables.