All posts by Mrs Maxwell


On Friday I will collect the spelling rules poster and the Fairtrade Mascot task. I will also give you a mini test to check how well you know the mental strategies. You also have to write a story but I will not collect that in until the following week.

Mrs M


A few folk are having problems accessing the manga high games on their iPads. For this week I’ll be happy if you complete the challenges and I’ll make sure that I’ll only include challenges as homework in future!


The spelling and mental maths are due in next Friday, after the bank holiday and in service day.

Today we went through the rules for making nouns plural. Here’s a wee clue to help you.

Think of these words and what you do to make them plural.

Box, brush, glass, church

wolf, wife, knife, loaf

butterfly, family

chair, hat, bag

Please ensure your poster is of a good quality!


Mrs M



Maths: Mangahigh challenges and mental maths strategies. (remember to get each strategy initialled by an adult)

Language: Spelling (may not be given out until Wednesday or Thursday) Rules for making nouns plural. Make a poster to show you know the rules.

Those who have not presented their book review will do so this week, so please bring in what you need.


The Week Ahead!

We have a very busy week ahead of us!

Remember we have our school trip on Tuesday. The bus will be leaving sharply so try to ensure you’re on time and register quickly that morning. Uniform should be worn. There will be a chance to visit the gift shop if you wish. Bring a packed lunch. Any other questions, ask me on Monday.

Maths :

We will continue to improve our mental work. We’ll look at rounding, doubles, multiplication and numbers to 10000.

Squares and Triangles will look at rounding, doubling and finishing our check ups.

Circles will look at place value of numbers up to 10000.



We will finish our imaginative story. Hopefully you’ll use all the information I’ve given to help up level, improve and assess your writing. Have you remembered to use adjectives for description?

Spelling this week will look at the rules for making nouns plural. There will be a mini test so keep practising at home.

We will hear the rest of the solo talks.

Our class novel is still The Demon Dentist. We’ll look at the next few chapters and continue with reciprocal reading. The strategies we’ll focus on will be inferring and connecting. There will also be the Primary 5 reading assessment this term.



You’ll have a chance to finish off your group presentation on puppets and present this to the class. We’ll be threading a needle and tying thread in preparation for making puppets. Thank you to Simran for bringing in the sock puppets to show us.


Mrs M

The Week so Far.

Well I made it through the first week back thanks to all of your hard work and helpfulness. Phew!

Well done to our class star this month, Bailye and our citizen of the month, Sanjana. We hope you enjoy your tea with Miss Russell.

I’ve been very impressed with your book review solo talks so far. I especially enjoyed Aimee’s as I’m sure you’ll agree it really stood out, although what she’s going to use that toilet roll for now is anyone’s guess!

Moan alert! Please remember homework is necessary and should be completed fully and on time. Any problems or issues should be sorted out well before Friday, don’t leave it to the last minute!


Mrs M

Welcome to Primary 5

Hi to everyone in P5. It’s been lovely getting to know you all this week and hopefully we’ve got a hardworking term ahead of us. I’ll be using this blog to keep everyone up to date with homework and events. If there is anything you would like to see included, let me know.


This week – Please Remember…

  • Our school trip is next week. Remember to bring in your money and permission slip asap.
  • Gym days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Remember your P.E. kit.
  • It’s getting quite hot in school now, you might want to bring in some water to drink in class.


What we’re doing.



  • Squares and Triangles will be doing check ups before we move on to trickier number work.
  • Circles will be working on rounding and working with numbers up to 10 000.
  • We will be trying to improve our mental agility. This week we’re focusing on doubling numbers, times tables, adding and subtracting. (See sheet)


  • We’ll be looking at how to self assess our writing so we can improve our redrafting skills and the quality of our work.
  • We’ll be continuing to read The Demon Dentist.
  • The Reciprocal Reading strategies we’ll be looking at this week will be Visualising and Inferring.
  • We’ll look at nouns and this will become part of our spelling rules for next week.
  • You will begin to perform your solo talks on your books.



  • Our topic this term is going to be Puppets. Hopefully we’ll start this soon. In the meantime, feel free to bring in any puppets or props you have.


Mrs M


Homework is due in on Friday. Don’t leave it until the last minute to complete. If you have any problems, let me know as soon as possible.

  • Maths: Mental Maths strategies 1,2,4 and 7. Remember you will have a mini test on Friday. Get an adult to initial the strategy to say you’ve done it.
  • Maths: Mangahigh Challenges.
  • Language: Summarise the Demon Dentist so far. (Remember to only include the main points. You can use bullet points or short sentences.)
  • Language: Prepare a short solo talk on a book you’ve read.


Mrs M