In case the link doesn’t work!
Essential homework MUST be completed and handed in on Friday. Each essential homework task is worth 1 point.
Additional tasks MUST also be handed in on Friday!!! You do not have to complete them all, but remember you must achieve at least 10 points.
Essential Homework
- Maths: 1 session (15 minutes) on RM Easimaths
- Maths: Mental (reinforce basic bonding, read and verbalise 6 digit numbers)
- Language: learn spelling words and try to generate at least 2 new words which follow the pattern
‘Cious’ words – conscious, precious, delicious, atrocious, suspicious, unconscious, ferocious, vivacious, efficacious, tenacious and capacious.
- Language: Choose 1 word and write an INTERESTING sentence using good VCOP.
- Language: Put your spelling words in alphabetical order and write them out neatly.
Additional Tasks.
- Oral Book review for Farheen, Christopher, Greig, Barry and Kayla.
- VCOP a page from a book you are reading.
- Complete an extra session of RM Easimaths.
- Read for at least half an hour (get someone to sign to say you’re doing this)
- Design a header for our blog.
- Write an entry for our class blog.
- Bring in a photo of you playing or relaxing for our Rights Display.
Please remember to get your homework signed.