All posts by Mrs Maxwell

Homework 2

In case the link doesn’t work!


Essential homework MUST be completed and handed in on Friday. Each essential homework task is worth 1 point.

Additional tasks MUST also be handed in on Friday!!! You do not have to complete them all, but remember you must achieve at least 10 points.

Essential Homework

  • Maths: 1 session (15 minutes) on RM Easimaths
  • Maths: Mental (reinforce basic bonding, read and verbalise 6 digit numbers)
  • Language: learn spelling words and try to generate at least 2 new words which follow the pattern

‘Cious’ words – conscious, precious, delicious, atrocious, suspicious, unconscious, ferocious, vivacious, efficacious, tenacious and capacious.

  • Language: Choose 1 word and write an INTERESTING sentence using good VCOP.
  • Language: Put your spelling words in alphabetical order and write them out neatly.

Additional Tasks.


  • Oral Book review for Farheen, Christopher, Greig, Barry and Kayla.
  • VCOP a page from a book you are reading.


  • Complete an extra session of RM Easimaths.
  • Read for at least half an hour (get someone to sign to say you’re doing this)
  • Design a header for our blog.
  • Write an entry for our class blog.


  • Bring in a photo of you playing or relaxing for our Rights Display.



Please remember to get your homework signed.

The week ahead…

There’s lots of exciting learning happening this week. Here’s a wee overview.


  • Circles will be learning to round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10.
  • Triangles and Squares will be looking at place value of 7 digit numbers and practising our mental addition strategies.


  • Spelling and vocabulary – words ending in cious pattern.
  • Continue to read Think Me Back (Chapter 2) and do reciprocal reading tasks.
  • Comprehension – looking at answering different types of questions in detail using evidence from the passage.
  • Writing – Complete the All About Me activity and hopefully begin our assessment piece.
  • Oral book reviews will begin on Friday – can’t wait to hear them!


  • Declaration of War and the early days of WW2 . Did you know that this week in 1939 war was declared?


  • Gymnastics on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please remember your kit.
  • Continued work on looking at the Rights of the Child and working towards our class charter.


What we’re doing this week…

Ok folks so here’s the plan of action for the week ahead.

Maths: We will continue to do a little bit of revision from P6, especially looking at our mental strategies and number work.


Reading – We will continue to read Think Me Back by Catherine Forde and use this to help us look at various reading strategies (especially predicting and questioning)

Writing – We will look to begin our baseline writing assessment. Remember to try your best and remember everything I’m looking for.

Topic – This term’s topic is World War 2. This week we will look at how the war started. I’ve been really interested in all of your stories so far. Remember to ask at home for any stories about your relatives during WW2.


Mrs M

Important information.

P.E. Days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure you have your gym kit on these days.

Please try to ensure you have soft shoes this week to wear in class.

We will be doing lots of personal reading. Feel free to bring in your own book from home if you would prefer.

We’ve spoken about the importance of homework. Please let me know in advance if you think there might be problems and we can sort them out.

I’ll use this blog to keep everyone up to date with what we’re doing in class. Hope you find it useful.


Mrs M

2 weeks to go…

But don’t worry we’ll still manage to squeeze lots of fun, educational stuff in!

Maths – we’ll continue with our mental strategies, especially addition. We need a little more work on missing numbers.

Language – we’ll hopefully complete our profiles and send them home to parents. We shall finish Demon Dentist and puppet scripts.

Puppet Topic – last chance to sew puppets, rehearse and get ready to put on a show! Can’t wait to see them all.

Homework – remember any issues need to be sorted out before Friday. I know sometimes it’s tricky to fit everything in but don’t leave it until the last minute.

Mrs M


spelling ‘al’ words Super Sentences (remember what I’m looking for), copy words 3 times and free choice of 2 tasks

Maths 1 session of RM Easimaths and Mangahigh Challenges.


Due on Friday! No excuses.


Story writing is due in on Friday. This should be of a good quality. Remember what I’m looking for!

Spelling test on Friday to check you know the rules for making nouns plural. Keep practising.

(wee group, practise the words you were doing with Mrs P)

Mental maths strategies

  • multiplication tables and link with division
  • Finding 1/2 and 1/4 of numbers (remember to find 1/2, half, we divide by 2 and to find 1/4, quarter, we divide by 4)
  • Counting on and backwards in 1s and 10s

Mrs M