All posts by Mrs Maxwell


Essential Homework

  • Maths: RM Easimaths – 2 sessions (30 minutes)
  • Language: Learn spelling words. ‘tious’ words. Conscientious, pretentious, superstitious, vexatious, ostentatious, rambunctious, surreptitious, scrumptious, repetitious, facetious.
  • Choose 3 spelling words and use them in a paragraph/sentence.
  • Language: Connectives

Use the following sentence starter

The lion roared loudly….

and complete it using the following connectives, because, when, until, so, although, despite so that it makes sense each time.

  • Language: Connectives work on studyladder. (under set tasks – 3rd task requires flashplayer)

Additional Tasks.


  • Oral Book review for Rachel K, Arran, Pamela, Cameron L, Brandon. (literacy)
  • Watch the WW2 Spitfire programme on Tuesday evening. Write 5 facts you have found out after watching. (literacy, topic)

2 Point

  • VCOP a page for a book you are reading. (literacy)
  • Design a front cover for a book you are reading. (literacy, art)
  • Design a poster displaying the French numbers you know.


1 Point

  • Read for at least half an hour. (Get someone to sign to say you have done this. Make a note of the book and author) (literacy)
  • Email an entry for the class blog to (literacy, ICT)
  • Make up an A-Z list for Maths. (Maths, Literacy)


Please remember to get your homework signed and write down the tasks you have completed.

We Did It!!!

imageA huge congratulations to Hallside for achieving our Rights Respecting School Award. Our class were very involved in the assemblies, presentations and walk rounds with our class reps (below) having a major role to play. Our class also had a question session with the assessor. She was very impressed by your answers, as was I. Very proud of you all! Well done and enjoy your weekend.

The Week Ahead

Another busy week ahead for P7.

  • PE on Tuesday – remember kit.
  • Cathkin Minisports on Thursday morning. Remember to be on time and have a full gym kit. (There will also be a meeting for parents on this evening. A letter should go out this week with more details.)
  • Rights Respecting School Assessment Day. Some of you will be presenting to the infant assembly and we will have visitors to our classroom to observe lessons. Fingers crossed they see what goes on every day at Hallside.


What are we learning?

Language – We’ve now started the writing assessment. Hopefully we’ll finish these and have them marked soon. We’ve continued with the spelling from last week to allow us time to look at definitions and revise them more carefully. There will be a test on Friday. We will do a little reciprocal reading from Think Me Back and some Key Comprehension work.

Maths – We’ll complete our rounding work and move onto Place Value.

RRS – We’ll hopefully complete our class charter. We can post pictures on here for parents to admire! We will have a visitor to observe lessons on respecting rights.

Mrs M


Essential homework MUST be completed and handed in on Friday. Each essential homework task is worth 1 point.


Additional tasks MUST also be handed in on Friday!!! You do not have to complete them all, but remember you must achieve at least 10 points.

Essential Homework (6 points this week)

  • Maths:

Mangahigh challenges

Studyladder challenges

(The Mangahigh and Studyladder are the most important ones to complete)

  • Maths: Mental rounding to nearest 10,100 (and 1000, 1000000 for some)
  • Language: Continue to learn spelling words. Write an INTERESTING sentence using as many of these words as you can and use good VCOP.

‘Cious’ words – conscious, precious, delicious, atrocious, suspicious, unconscious, ferocious, vivacious, efficacious, tenacious and capacious. SPELLING TEST IS ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!

  • Find synonyms for delicious.
  • Language/Topic: Research either Chamberlain or Hitler and create a factfile/poster/powerpoint showing as much information as you can. Remember to name your sources. (this is worth 2 marks)

Additional Tasks.


  • Oral Book review for Murray, Alison, Andrew H, Cameron, Demi, Christopher.

2 Points

  • Read for at least half an hour (get someone to sign to say you’re doing this)
  • Write an entry for our class blog. You can email this to to make it easier and quicker to upload.
  • VCOP a page from a book you have been reading.

1 Point

  • Slogan for Class Charter for Wednesday.
  • Write up a fitness diary to show how active you have been this week. Are you surprised by these results?
  • Spend 5 minutes talking to a parent about what we have been learning as a class with regards to rights. Note down and answer any questions they have. (get a parent to sign to say you’ve done this.)


Please remember to get your homework signed.


Mrs M

Technical help!

A few folk have mentioned difficulty with RM Easimaths at home. Best way to get access is through Glow using your own login details. This works best using a desktop computer as it requires flashplayer. There is an Easimaths app for ipad and android which you can download and login to using your own details. (through RM Unify option)

If this doesn’t help, you can get a wee note from home to say it’s ok to spend 1 breaktime in class to complete the session.


Mrs M