All posts by Mrs Maxwell

Recipe for Apple Crumble

For those of you that still have your crumble mixture to make,

30g of plain flour

20g of butter

17g of Demerara sugar


Rub in the flour and butter until you have a fine breadcrumb consistency. Add the sugar. Sprinkle this over your apple mixture and put in the oven at 180 degrees for approximately 20 minutes or until the top is golden brown.



Feel free to email any pictures of your crumble or you enjoying your crumble to

Please Remember…

The week ahead…

No school crossing patrol on Overtoun Road at 3pm on Wednesday – letters went home.

On Thursday please bring a small bowl and a vegetable peeler to enable you to take part in our cooking session. We will be using flour, butter, apples and sugar. Please advise of any allergies you may have.

Homework and book reviews due on Friday.


The week ahead.


  • Circles will complete their work on symmetry and move onto multiplication. Keep revising your tables at home.
  • Squares and Triangles will continue to work on symmetry before moving onto multiplication next week.


  • Spelling – we will continue to look at ‘ious’ words and definitions. Wee group will also look at ‘str’ words.
  • Reading – we will look more closely at the summarising strategy and read a few more chapters of Think Me Back. We will also complete the next unit of Key Comprehension.
  • Writing – we will continue writing our Fairytale stories for the infants. I can’t wait to read them!

Science – We will continue with our investigations into Rocks.

Topic – We will continue with our group research and look a little at rationing. This will link into our cooking session as part of British Food Fortnight where we will cook a crumble using a recipe from WW2.




Language – Spelling booklet of ‘ious’ words.

Maths – Symmetry booklet (circles page 7-12)

Book review for next 5 on the list – you know who you are.

There will be a spelling test on Friday. Keep revising your words and definitions.

Mrs M

The (shorter) week ahead.

Ok so we’re only at school for 4 days this week so we have a lot to squeeze in!


Writing – we’ll be writing imaginative mixed up fairy tales for the infant department.

Reading – we’ll be looking at the summarising strategy and reading more of Think Me Back. We’ll also be developing comprehension skills.


Squares and Triangles will be working more on addition and subtraction and should be revising mental and written methods at home.

Circles will be working on symmetry.


Miss Hogg will be teaching you more about rocks.

It’s also British Food Fortnight. We’ll try and squeeze in a few activities related to this over the next 2 weeks.