A massive well done to Lucy who received a certificate for raising money for Children in Need and Abbie who received a medal for her gymnastics display.
What a caring, talented bunch we are!
Co ordinates cops and robbers (Advent 4)
Shape and size (Advent 5)
Odd Squares (Advent 6)
Square it (Advent 8)
Sort it (Advent 9)
Three Neighbours (Advent 10)
Well done on our dress rehearsal. It looked and sounded fab!
Remember to have your outfits and recorders tomorrow.
Mrs M
This week we are back to Target 10!
RM Easimaths (1session =15 mins)
Punctuation booklet (1st 2 pages)
Coding (Stage 6 – maze loops)
Email photos (as explained)
4 points
Oral book reviews (first 5 on register)
extra session of RM Easimaths
extra coding session from Hour of Code selection
2 Points
Read for half an hour (get someone to sign to say you’ve done this.
Blog and publish something interesting. (If this is your class job it will not count as points. Also check to ensure you are not duplicating posts.)
Design a blog header.
bring in a book for book swap.
Learn You Are My Sunshine on the recorder.
Some have Maths work to complete due to helping out or absences.