
Essential homework MUST be completed and handed in on Friday. Each essential homework task is worth 1 point.


Additional tasks MUST also be handed in on Friday!!! You do not have to complete them all, but remember you must achieve at least 10 points.

Essential Homework (6 points this week)

  • Maths:



Mangahigh challenges

Studyladder challenges

(The Mangahigh and Studyladder are the most important ones to complete)

  • Maths: Mental rounding to nearest 10,100 (and 1000, 1000000 for some)
  • Language: Continue to learn spelling words. Write an INTERESTING sentence using as many of these words as you can and use good VCOP.

‘Cious’ words – conscious, precious, delicious, atrocious, suspicious, unconscious, ferocious, vivacious, efficacious, tenacious and capacious. SPELLING TEST IS ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!

  • Find synonyms for delicious.
  • Language/Topic: Research either Chamberlain or Hitler and create a factfile/poster/powerpoint showing as much information as you can. Remember to name your sources. (this is worth 2 marks)

Additional Tasks.


  • Oral Book review for Murray, Alison, Andrew H, Cameron, Demi, Christopher.

2 Points

  • Read for at least half an hour (get someone to sign to say you’re doing this)
  • Write an entry for our class blog. You can email this to mrsmaxwell1@hotmail.co.uk to make it easier and quicker to upload.
  • VCOP a page from a book you have been reading.

1 Point

  • Slogan for Class Charter for Wednesday.
  • Write up a fitness diary to show how active you have been this week. Are you surprised by these results?
  • Spend 5 minutes talking to a parent about what we have been learning as a class with regards to rights. Note down and answer any questions they have. (get a parent to sign to say you’ve done this.)


Please remember to get your homework signed.


Mrs M

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