
Essential Homework

  • Maths: RM Easimaths – 2 sessions (30 minutes)
  • Language: Learn spelling words. ‘tious’ words. Conscientious, pretentious, superstitious, vexatious, ostentatious, rambunctious, surreptitious, scrumptious, repetitious, facetious.
  • Choose 3 spelling words and use them in a paragraph/sentence.
  • Language: Connectives

Use the following sentence starter

The lion roared loudly….

and complete it using the following connectives, because, when, until, so, although, despite so that it makes sense each time.

  • Language: Connectives work on studyladder. (under set tasks – 3rd task requires flashplayer)

Additional Tasks.


  • Oral Book review for Rachel K, Arran, Pamela, Cameron L, Brandon. (literacy)
  • Watch the WW2 Spitfire programme on Tuesday evening. Write 5 facts you have found out after watching. (literacy, topic)

2 Point

  • VCOP a page for a book you are reading. (literacy)
  • Design a front cover for a book you are reading. (literacy, art)
  • Design a poster displaying the French numbers you know.


1 Point

  • Read for at least half an hour. (Get someone to sign to say you have done this. Make a note of the book and author) (literacy)
  • Email an entry for the class blog to mrsmaxwell1@hotmail.co.uk (literacy, ICT)
  • Make up an A-Z list for Maths. (Maths, Literacy)


Please remember to get your homework signed and write down the tasks you have completed.

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