
Essential Tasks (Worthย 6 points)

Maths – Manga High Challenges set. These are all linked to data handling. Let me know, before Friday, if you’re having trouble with any of the questions.

Language – Spelling words. Revise all 100 words for test on Friday. On a new page in your jotter design a poster to explain the rules for adding ‘ing’ to verbs.

French – Complete the colours worksheet. Glue this into your jotter before handing it in.

RME – Choose one version of the creation story and write about it in your own words. You may need to use your note taking jotter and carry out additional research.

Topic – Choose a band poster/album cover/tour poster etc and evaluate it in a couple of paragraphs. Think about the following questions

What is the purpose of the poster?
How is the band represented in the image? How do they look? Why are they posing in a certain way? What props do they have? Why?
If the band is not shown, why do think this is? What is shown instead? Why?
How do we know what type of music they play?
Why have certain pictures, writing or colours been used? What do you think these mean?
Who do you think is the main audience for this poster?
How effective do you think it is?
Why do you like it?
These are questions to help. You do not need to answer all of these and you may have some of your own ideas too.


VCOP a chapter/page of a book you are reading at home. Bring the book in with you.

Read a newspaper article and summarise it in your own words.


Design a blog heading for the school blog. See me for the correct paper to do this.

Read at least 3 chapters of a book. (Get someone to write a note in your homework jotter to say you did this)


Design a drugs poster based on the information given in our talk.

Mrs M

16 thoughts on “Homework”

  1. I don’t really get the band homework thing because I had to clean something up. Do you have to answer all the questions?:(

  2. Mrs Maxwell, see for the Band homework, do you need to bring in the album cover/ tour poster ect?

  3. Hopefully I’ve answered all questions today in class but just to clarify the Band Homework.

    I would like you to bring in the poster you are evaluating. You only need to use the questions as a guide. You do not need to answer them all if you feel it does not apply to your poster. You should write it as a paragraph rather than a list of questions.

    Hope this helps.

    Mrs M

  4. mrs maxwell it still wont let me log on to manga high and you weren’t in the afternoon so you could’nt look at it

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