Homework Reminder

For those of you who may have forgotten – this weeks homework will be to learn to play Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer on the recorder. It needs to be spot on for Friday!!! Any spare time you get, use it to rehearse – not long until the show!!!!

Also remember to write a list of instructions on how you think you would build an igloo. This should be in your own words, not copied and pasted off the internet – be warned!

Have a look at home to see if you have any red, green or white items of clothing. If you have hats, gloves or scarves or perhaps a bit of tinsel, bring them in too. We’ll finalise costumes this week.

P6s – Keep revising place value in numbers to a million and spend time on your mental skills as we’ve been doing in class.

P7s – Have another look at the negative number games on GLOW.

Mrs M

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