A huge well done to all the boys and girls in P6/7 who have been awarded certificates for good work and effort. Throughout the year we’ll keep you updated with all of our achievements.
Andrew gets a certificate for tidying the library!!!! 09/09/11
P7s help p1s!
Lauren and Lucy get a certificate for helping the p1s!!!!! 23/09/11
Caitlin and Lisa get a certificate for helping the p1s!!!! 16/09/11
Full class gets Oscars
P6/7 gets 2 Oscars by winning the Cambuslang film festival!!!! 14/10/11
Citizen of the month
Euan gets citizen of the month!!!! September
Marco gets citizen of the month!!!! October
Wow words success
Martin gets a certificate for getting 100 wow words!!!!!!! 02/09/11
Perfect homework award!
Kirstin gets perfect homework award!!!! 09/09/11
by Andrew, David, Dean and Martin.