Tag Archives: Community

Nesting and Girlsta Up Helly Aa

The Jarl and his squad came to visit everyone at the school. Primary 3/4 prepared a game full of challenges, games and questions to play with the Jarl. There was a swapping of gifts which was followed with a Boston Two Step danced by Pupils, Vikings, parents, friends and staff.

Promoting good mental health for everyone.

Last week we have been focussing on Growth Mindset, positive language and being happy. The Health Committee have been busy finding out what we all do to cheer ourselves up if we feel sad, frightened or anxious.

On Monday we had a visit from the NSPCC and Buddy, spreading the message about who we can talk to if things are tough. We also learned the Childline number.

0800 1111

On Friday we had a great morning with parents, grand-parents, friends and family coming along to take part in our coffee morning. Our focus was promoting good mental health. We had dispaly up in the hall and resources from Mind Your Head to help spread the message.

Thanks to all the wonderful support, we raised £295.58 which we will split between the NSPCC and Mind Your Head.

Getting ready

Everyone enjoying the morning

We love reading

Last Friday we had a brilliant afternoon when Andy Stanton, author of the “Mr Gum” books visited Whiteness Primary to speak to the P3-7 classes.  Our Early Years and P1/2 class enjoyed a bookbug session with Morag Nicholson from the Shetland Library. Burravoe Primary School, and our community came along to join us too.

Andy had lots of fun with the pupils, he was pretty crazy and completely on their wave length, it was so lovely to look around the hall and see a mass of smiling faces. We hope too, that he has inspired our pupils.