Whiteness Primary 6/7

Love Learning Love Life

May 18, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

Netball/Football Day

P6/7 had a great day up in Brae yesterday at the first netball/football competition since 2019! Thank you to Active Schools for organising a great day.

Our netballers made it to the quarter finals and the footballers made it to the semi finals of the plate. Well done to all!

May 16, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

Brain and Body Systems

This afternoon we were learning about how our brains react to stimuli to make us aware of our surroundings through signals received from our senses and signals sent through neurons.


Jessie –  We squeezed hands then shoulders and found our shoulder is closer to our brain than our arms.

Joe – This showed that our reaction times were faster on our shoulder than our hand

Jack – We dropped rulers to see how fast our reaction times were.

Innis – I think that the last experiment is fake as when I squeezed my nose I could still tell the different between apple and tattie.

Abigail – We were learning about if our sense of smell affected our taste.

Fin – Even with your hand closing your nostrils, tatties still weren’t tasty

Rhys – When you eat something most of the taste is actually coming from you smelling it

May 9, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

Cracker Experiment

Rhys – We tested if our bodies could produce enough saliva in a short time.

Jessie – We came up with a hypothesis

Fin – We learned that we couldn’t eat that much crackers in one minute

Ruairidh – This was because the crackers were really dry and took up all the saliva in our mouths

May 9, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

TREOIR Project

We have enjoyed taking part in Da Voar Project, finding out more about our local area. We have used stop motion and different techniques to tell the story of Floki and the Ravens. We will be able to see our video soon.

Ruairidh I liked making stuff

Matthew I like making the map

James I like making the background when we were filming

Innis I liked doing the two stop motions that we did

Abigail I liked doing the stop motions with the sea monsters as you could make them do anything

Nils I loved the plasticine

Jack I liked making stuff with the stop motion


March 19, 2021
by Mrs Lawson

Red Nose Day

P7 have spent their first week back at school organising Red Nose Day for the rest of the school. Everyone has come to school in pink or red and has decorated a red nose which we’ve used to decorate the hall.

We’ve created an activity for each class – a scavenger hunt and building competition for P1/2, a box challenge and drawing competition for P3/4 and a quiz and nose competition for P5/6.

We did a quiz with Mrs Lawson – it was close but the winning teams were the Hairless Hippos and the Ding Dongs!

We’re having a great day raising money for Comic Relief and are looking forward to the stocks later!

January 8, 2021
by Mrs Lawson

Term 3 – Home Learning

Welcome back everyone. I hope you have all had a lovely break. If you click the Home Learning tab at the top of the page, you will find everything you need for your learning this week. Stay in touch and let me know if there’s anything I can help with. If you go on Teams, you’ll find a new P7 team. I’ll post a question on there each day – this should be a good way to stay in touch with your classmates!

Mrs Lawson 🙂

November 10, 2020
by Kelsey

Laying the Wreath

On Remembrance Sunday we went to lay the wreath at the war memorial in Weisdale. We wore black as we thought it was a respectful colour. We got into our cars around 11:15 with our mams and headed to the memorial. There was 4 of us that had the chance to lay the wreath. We all did a bit of work and Mrs. Colclough judged it. And we won!

When we laid the wreath we were happy that we were doing it and making sure we remembered everyone that went through war but were also sad because it is a sad time. The wreath was laid by us ( Kelsey and Eva. )

By Kelsey and Eva


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