Whiteness Primary 6/7

Love Learning Love Life

September 28, 2022
by Jessie Simpson

Coffee Morning!

Today was the first coffee morning we’ve had in a very long time. Families and friends gathered together for fancies, tea, coffee and juice afterwards they came to see our classroom and what we’ve been doing. They got to see all of our work that we’ve done. Then there was activities to do with friends or family. All the classes took turns to get fancies with their families and friends. Everyone really enjoyed the day and would do it again!

By Ellie, Jessie, Elsie and Martha.


September 28, 2022
by Jessie Simpson

Baking for Coffee Morning

At Whiteness Primary School the P6/7 class baked delicious treats for the coffee morning on Tuesday afternoon. We baked scones, Vegan and Gluten free Chocolate cupcakes and pancakes. We split up into groups of our own choice and we enjoyed kneading the dough for the scones, mixing all the cupcake ingredients and especially frying the pancakes. Everybody helped clean the classroom afterwards and some people went the staff room to wash the bowls pans etc. We all were looking forwards for our families and friends to enjoy the sweet treats on Wednesday!

By Jessie, Keira and Abigail.

September 28, 2022
by Rhys John Neil

Mini Redd up

On the 27th of September p6/7 went on a mini Redd up down the Strom road. We found 2 bags of rubbish and we even found a water gun, it looked like it was there for a while because it was so dirty. Rhys even found a can of beer! Our class teacher Mrs. Lawson, the headteacher Mrs. Colclough and Mrs. Leask were there too! When we turned around we got to run up on the hill. It was really fun! We climbed into some old ruins, they has a great view over the road and the voe. A lot of us fell over because we were running and it was very slippy. The teachers on the road looked tiny because we were so high up! It felt good to do good things for the environment while it was Shetland climate week!

this was written BY Matthew, Fin, Sonny, Nils, Jack and Rhys

September 20, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

STEM Workshop

As part of our topic, today we had a STEM workshop with Emma Chittick from Skills Development Scotland. We learned about renewable energy and the different types of jobs and skills involved. We built our own windmills and then had a competition to see which windmill produced the most energy. The winners were Keira and Abigail who produced 4.1V!

September 20, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

Visit to Shetland Jewellery

As part of our topic, ‘Me and Beyond’ today we went on a tour of the Shetland Jewellery workshop. It was really interesting to learn about the career of a jeweller and all the processes involved. Thank you for having us and for our kind gifts of enamel hearts/keyrings!


September 7, 2022
by Mrs Lawson


This week P6/7 have been learning to write a recount. Here are three recounts of events from our class last week, written by Frankie, Libby, Martha and Edith.


Inter county by Frankie

On Monday 29th of August I played in the inter county in Lerwick at the click Amin. We won against the Orkney B team 3.0 in then the Shetland B Team played Orkney B Team Orkney Team won 2.1 Then Orkney As played Shetland B team Orkney A team won 3.0 the last game the Orkney A team played against Shetland A team it was 2.2 Orkney scored in the last 2 seconds and they won. The first goal in the A vs A teams the first goal was a penalty and Sonny Redman scored then Orkney scored then Lucas scored for Shetland in then Orkney scored in the last seconds of the game.


Bud Bus by Edith


Bud bus


On Thursday the 1st of September The bud bus came to our school. The whole school got to go on the bud bus. But different classes went at different times. There were 2 people showing us different things we could do on the bus and telling us things about the war.


When we first went on the bus there was a lady and she asked us things to see how much we knew about the bus and the war. There were questions like why do we wear poppy’s on Remembrance Day? or what does poppy Scotland do? and so on. Then we could look around and do different things we even got to make our own poppy’s


At the end the groop I was in got to clock in clock out a men showed us how to do it*/. Then we went off the bus.




Mareel and the Playpark by Libby


On Wednesday 31st of August, our class went on a trip to Lerwick! It was so much fun, here’s a recap!

First, we arrived at school and had our outside playtime. We came inside when the bell rung and got out our snacks, water bottles and put on our jackets and high vis. Miss Colclough got us into the line and got us to choose our partners. She and Katie took us to the bus and got us into our seats, the bus had started to drive to Lerwick after everyone had their seatbelts on. We went through Whiteness, through Tingwall, and into Lerwick! It drove over to the cinema door and we all got off there.

Miss Colclough and Katie led us into the building and we stopped in the lounge. The schools drama teacher Izzy greeted us in the lounge and led us upstairs.


We were told about this new system when we went upstairs; we would be given a ping-pong ball to put into one of 4 buckets, it was a rating of how good the movie was! I rated an “Ehh, its okay. Not bad but not good.”

Next, they took us into the movie room and we got seats up at the very back! When all the schools had gotten there, a woman went down to the floor and gave a speech about the movie. After her speech the movie started.

The movie was called;

Jackie and Oopjen

After watching the movie, a man who worked at the cinema called Tim showed us around the whole backstage and how the movies work! He took us around the whole building and showed us the graphics designers, and Angus the janitor! After Tim showing us around us all said thankyou and left.

We walked up to King Harald Street and stopped to play at the playpark. We ate our lunch there, and played for a few hours! We waited for the bus to pick us up then we went back to school and it was hometime!<3


                 Swimming by Martha!

On the 28th of August our class went swimming to Scalloway. I was with Bronwyn on the bus we chatted about Dogs and Kiwis!

In the Pool I was in group 1 the first thing we did was races in 3s I was with Libby and Bronwyn. We did front crawl first and I went first when I got back I touched the wall and Bronwyn went and when she got back Libby went and we came 2nd! Next we got red and black surfboard floats and I went first again we went on our fronts the first time. But this time Bronwyn went last and Libby went 2nd after we did that we did it on our backs it was really hard I went 2nd because I didn’t understand how to do it but then Libby showed me so I went.

After that we had to get out so everyone went to get changed after I got changed the other group went in. We did spelling me and Bronwyn worked together because we had to share a dictionary. After we finished it we watched the group 2 swimming! And had our snacks.


August 24, 2022
by Mrs Lawson


Primary Seven had a brilliant first buddying session with their P1 buddies. It’s  a great opportunity for both groups to learn from each other. We are looking forward to buddying again next week!


June 20, 2022
by Mrs Lawson

Food Journeys – Baking

As part of our topic – Food Journeys, today we learned about food preparation. We were given the recipes and worked in groups to make chocolate cupcakes and gingerbread. We worked really well together and cleaned up and washed dishes well. We enjoyed eating our goodies before home time and even have some left over for snack time tomorrow!

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