Welcome back Primary 5/6/7. We have had a super start to the new term with lots of exciting learning already taking place.
Please remember that we have Art on a Monday and Music on Wednesdays. PE will be on a Wednesday and Thursday, with swimming on a Tuesday during term 1. We will also be completing the daily mile.
Homework will go home on a Tuesday, please could you make sure this comes back for the following Monday.
We can’t wait to take more of our learning outside and to use our fantastic new polytunnels so please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing with them for all weather.
We have started our class novel for this term ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’ and have made our predictions about the empty chair and what we think is going to happen in the story.
Our topic this term is ‘Make it Work’ and we can’t wait to work as part of a group to take part in lots of STEM challenges that we have come up with!