This week we have been making star decorations and Christmas trees to sell. We’ve been looking to order key rings and hama beads but we’ve not got enough money yet to buy them. We are growing to work better with each other.
Busy making crafts to sell.
The Co-operative Charity
We have been very productive this week. We’ve made Christmas trees for our open day and have got some good ideas for a game. We’ve also finished our raffle poster and have been thinking of better and more complex ideas than we have been. We’ve contacted businesses and have got 4 prizes. We are working really well. Two of us go to do one thing and two of us do another thing so we end up getting two things done at once.
First we organised our folder so that we can find things because it was a complete mess and we crammed everything we could find into it! This week we have been making Christmas Cards to sell. We are going to start putting them all together. We are working together much better than when we started. We actually all have jobs to do. We are compromising and getting on with it.
Proud of our organised folder!
The Big Investors
We have been making posters for all the games and activities we are going to do. Next week we are doing a dance/fitness class and football training. We are getting on well.
World Wide Business
This week we have been contacting a lot of companies to see if they would donate anything for our hamper. Some people didn’t get back to us so we have written some e-mails. We have been getting prepared for the Christmas stall and have been looking up ideas about what we could make.
We have finished our puzzle sheets and they will be going in the shops this weekend.
It’s sometimes hard to get everyone to work at what they need to do.
Charity Fundraisers
We decided that we are going to do stress balls for our business. Today we started making our stress balls. We thought that we would sell them and when they come to buy one they can decorate them themselves.
We have also decided that we are going to sell homemade wrapping paper. To do so, we’d get brown paper and finger paint on lights, penguins, reindeers etc.
We are quite an organised group. The problem we found today was that too many people were working on the same job and it got a bit cramped.
At the start we weren’t organised at all. We couldn’t even think of a name!
Making Stress Balls:
Measuring out how big our wrapping paper is going to be: