Whiteness Primary 5/6/7

Love Learning Love Life

June 7, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Term 4


On Monday somebody from the parliament came to visit our class to teach us about the parliament. we had a mini election including Oisin, Jack and Aidan. we all had to vote for who we wanted to win, Oisin won.

This week we made a power-point about  jobs in Shetland. We got to use choice to choose our partners or to work individually


For maths this week we have been focusing mainly on fractions. We wrote with whiteboard pen on our desks or on a whiteboard to show equivalent fractions. on Thursday and Friday we were measuring the perimeter and area of shapes.



We got to use choice again this week in reading. We got  to choose; teacher, LSW, partners, individually or in our readings groups. after we had read ten pages we all came together to write about the different feelings and emotions in our story.

By Saoirse and Eve.

June 2, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Term 4

In school we have been doing some really fun things. Like doing maths on tables and moam fractions. And doing angles with tape!!! This week in maths we have been learning about fractions. We have been simplifying and doing equivalent fractions. On Friday we did a task with sweets. When we finished we got to eat them. It helped us to learn about fractions.


In music we sometimes go outside and Mr Travins plays the guitar. We sing songs to practice for the music assembly.

Instead of PE most of the class went to the hockey festival in Brae. On Thursday the 5/6/7 went to the Brae Astroturf to play other primary schools. We had three teams, two teams didn’t have a sub but one did. We left the school at 9:30 and came back at 14:30. We played six games and had lunch there. We all really enjoyed it!

By Saoirse, Sofianna, Aidan, Bobby and last but not least Tommy






May 24, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Term 4


In buddying these past few weeks we have been painting the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We helped our buddies by painting the pattern of the Very Hungry Caterpillar on their hands and then they pressed their hands down on the paper and made a Very Hungry Caterpillar! All of our buddies made super caterpillars but then we noticed that the caterpillars needed somewhere to live. So we trekked outside for some leaves, flowers and a big stick. When we found all of our resources we glued them on with PVA glue and our buddies write The Very Hungry Caterpillar in big clear writing. Well done Primary 1s.

This week for budding we went outside to the poly tunnel and split into two groups. One group played games with their buddy and the other group watered the plants in the poly tunnel and then we switched. After that we played a game of duck duck goose.

By Elsie and Aylee

May 21, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Term 4

Since it been so sunny, we have been doing lots of work outside and even have our snack outside!

Every Monday we go on a whole school walk outside and do activities, this week we walked up to the ruins and we had to find letters hidden around the hill then put them together to create a word the word was “SHETLAND”



Every Thursday we have to make a short story about a different theme this week was character dialogue.

By Eve


May 21, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Term 4


For buddying this week, we got long sticks from our class room (Est. around 0.5 metres) and a clipboard with a sheet on it. First we headed outside with the materials and started measuring different playground equipment and other stuff we have in our outside area with the sticks. After all of that the P1’s got a bit of chalk and started drawing a long line. After they drew the line we had to get our stick and see how many sticks could fit in the line, the longest line was 23 sticks.


This week we have been learning about percentages and probability chance and uncertainty. We have been looking at how likely and unlikely things are to happen. For percentages we have been looking at pie chart percentages with colours included.

By Bobby B and Bobby G

March 18, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Week 9


For maths this week we have been working on data handling. We got put into groups of three, four or two then gathered data from other classes e.g. eye colours, ages. After we had got all the data we put it in different formats on a large poster. We used all different ways of showing our gathered data such as; pie chart, bar chart e.c.t.


This week our writing has been linked to our topic, natural disasters. Last week we filmed news reports about a natural disaster of choice, this week we are focusing on diary writing. We each chose a natural disaster and pretended to have witnessed it, then we wrote a diary entry like we had just experienced our natural disaster.


On Wednesday five visitors came to our school; Mr Johnston, Mr Clark, Mrs Angus, Mrs Flaws and Mrs Simpson. They will be here till Friday the 8th of March.

By Eve


March 5, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Week 8

This week in our class for maths, we are learning about the order of operations and bodmas which stands for brackets, order, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction. We also went outside to the polycrub to make the order of bodmas using stones and sticks. For writing this week we made newspaper reports about a natural disaster using a green screen and iPad and a microphone. For topic this week we made models of famous landmarks around the world the like the Burra bridge, Leaning tower of Pisa, Christ the redeemer, great wall of china and the pyramids of Giza. We have been learning about the Scottish landscape, hills, lochs and mountains. In HWB we had a braille teacher called Marie come into our class to teach us about braille using these books where you could feel letters and a braille typewriter where you had 6 numbers you told Marie our name letter by letter we also wrote our names in braille. We got a new couch from the parent council in our classroom the couch is used for reading and sometimes our work.

By Bobby G and Frankie


March 5, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Week 6

This week we made a leaflet all about a place of our choice. Tommy did Norway and Aidan did Dubai.

In topic we have started with our home teams and got on to making our model landmark out of materials in the class. Home teams is a team of 4 or 5 that works together during topic.


For buddying this week as it was Valentine’s Day on Wednesday we made little hearts for us and our buddies

Fun 31

During Fun 31 we enjoyed coding this week using the micro bits. We also got a dartboard in our classroom and we are having a class tournament.

Written by Tommy, Aidan and Bobby


February 9, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Week 5


This week we have been doing the multiplication grid method. We had to multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digits. We have been dividing by (10) (100) (1000).

We have enjoyed playing who wants to be a thousandaire. Basically there are 10 questions, each question going up from 1000 to 2000 etc. with the 10th question being £10000 ( the top prize).

Up Helly Aa

This week the Nesting and Girlsta Up Helly Aa squad came in to our school, we did the Boston two step with them. They sang some songs and had a band with them. Our mums, dads, uncles, aunties and grandparents all came to see the Guizer jarl and his squad. The p1/2s had a magic show! The magic show contained the Guizer jarl playing some basketball, jokes, a disappeared Viking who he had to guess who it was, magic numbers and what’s in the hat.

By Bobby B and Bobby G

February 2, 2024
by Miss Macleod

Week 4

This week we were getting ready for Nesting and Girlsta Up Helly Aa. Every year all the pupils in the classes design one shield and one pupils shield will be chosen from each to class. The shield then gets put on the NGUHA galley boat. The winning shield in our class was Saoirse! Good job Saoirse!! The Guizer Jarl this year for NGUHA is Scott Hatrick.


This week in maths we have started on doing multiplication. We did activities about multiplication in the school, we set up four stations. There was multiplication top trumps, a top marks station, a games section and an exercise station were you had to practise your times tables while doing an exercise.


This week we a have been learning about landmarks, we all got a poster with the Scotland map on It and had to draw famous landmarks in their area of Scotland. We have also been working on leaflets advertising a country of our choice and all of its landmarks. Our topic this term is changes in our environment.

By Elsie, Eve and Saoirse

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