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Sunny days!

What a busy couple of weeks we have had out in the sunshine! We have done ‘Da Voar Redd Up’, been to the playpark and been to the Secondary for a play. In the nursery garden we have been very busy taking out the planter as part of our garden revamp, and playing with everything else in the garden. Long may this weather last!

Earth day and the World

It was earth day on Monday 22 April.  Mrs Irvine discussed how important it was to look after the earth and ways we could look after it for example recycling.  The children then made pictures of the world.  This kept their interest and we went on to use paper plates and coloured paper to make more worlds.

Later that day the children were playing a bus game which led to more discussion about countries of the world and where they could go.  We made tickets and used a map to help navigate.

Signs of Spring walk

The nursery bairns were speaking about chicks and eggs today which led on to a talk about Spring.  We decided to go for a walk around nursery and up to the school pond and look for signs of spring.

We were lucky we found a few.  There were buds on the trees, some spring flowers showing though and frogspawn in the pond.  We even used our ears to listen for any birds.