All posts by Miss Stewart

The Big Toddle

On Wednesday we decided that we would go and join in with the toddlers to do the Big Toddle around the peerie loop. We were so excited when we saw the fire engine and some of us got to sit in it too! It followed us the whole way around the loop while we walked. There was also a funny thing flying in the sky, some of us thought it was a giant bug, some thought a robot, but we were all amazed that it was actually a drone and Ivan was making it take photos!! We had great fun, thanks to the toddlers for letting us join in.

Visit to Teresa’s

This week we went on another visit, this time to Mila’s granny Teresa’s house to see her polytunnel. She had lots of stuff growing and we even got to eat some of her strawberries, they were delicious. She also had a peerie hoose wee a shop un lots of fun toys in it which we loved exploring. We saw Mila’s aunty Emma’s dog Lottie and they had a really fluffy cat called Bailey. We really hope we can go back some day for another visit!

New toys and painting stones

This week at nursery we were very excited when a big box arrived. It was full of giant bits of cardboard that could be velcroed together to make a house! We have loved playing with it, making various different designs. The velcro is very sticky though so the teachers need to help sometimes! We have also started to paint the stones for our outside caterpillars, we were very careful with the acrylic paint and Frankie said it smelled just like the paint that his mum uses!

Polytunnel & garden visits

Da nursery bairns are so lucky to have family members living nearby. A couple of weeks ago we went to visit Mia’s granny’s polytunnel and she even let us plant some sunflower seeds. Today we went for a walk down to Nina’s granny Linda’s garden for a visit. She has some beautiful flowers and even a toilet that flowers grow in! She also had hens which we fed and we played with bubbles too.

We saw Miss Stewart’s cousins polytunnel too and she stole a lemon from his lemon tree which we cut open and tasted when we got back to nursery. We had a picnic snack outside on the snack table too once we got back.

Garden revamp

Our nursery garden upgrade is slowly beginning to take shape. The bairns worked very hard last week to help remove the old planter so this week we could begin to move things around. Our new water wall is proving very popular too. Thank you to the parents who came in to help lift things yesterday, we still have big plans which we will need lots of help with in the near future too!

Peggy the lamb came to visit!

Theo’s pet lamb Peggy came to visit us on Thursday! The first thing we noticed was that she had a nappy on! Theo’s mum said this was so that she did not pee or poop at nursery. We got to feed her and hold her on! She ran around the garden with us and Theo said his lamb was very happy to be here with all his friends. When they went to go home Theo’s mum’s car would not start so Laurence had to come and use jump leads to try and get the car to start. We all hope Peggy can come and visit us again!

Sunny days!

What a busy couple of weeks we have had out in the sunshine! We have done ‘Da Voar Redd Up’, been to the playpark and been to the Secondary for a play. In the nursery garden we have been very busy taking out the planter as part of our garden revamp, and playing with everything else in the garden. Long may this weather last!